Wellbeing & Inclusion News

Berry Street - Ready to Learn Scales

As part of the implementation of the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) here at Footscray West Primary School, teachers and students are developing classroom strategies informed by Berry Street's approaches to trauma-informed learning and the science of wellbeing. One of the strategies we are implementing are class based Ready to Learn Scales to help with self regulation for our students as learners and members of our school community. 


These Ready to Learn Scales help students to identify their emotions and how they might be impacting on their ability to engage in their learning.  As well as implementing these scales, students will also develop their own Ready to Learn Plans to provide them with strategies to regulate and de-escalate their emotions in order to move themselves along their scale. 


Some examples:


In Grade One, students are using a three point scale:

In Grade Five, students are using a five point scale: