Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

ClairePACFor working hard to improve her focus and work effort. Keep up the wonderful effort!
FlossiePAKFor the enthusiasm, positive attitude to learning and kindness you bring to school each day. You are a superstar!  
IvyPBDFor your fantastic and engaging share time presentation on your favourite book. Thank you for making our class laugh!
ElijahPLBFor being a wonderful help in the classroom and always respecting his learning space. Keep up the great work Elijah!
Jack Davis1JMFor his outstanding perseverance and effort to read in small groups and at home. You are a great role model! Keep it up Jack!
Augie1JSFor showing a positive and encouraging attitude towards his peers, especially when they achieve their own goals. Thank you for cheering on your classmates, Augie!
Aubrey1LEFor great writing in sentences with correct use of capital letters, spaces and punctuation.
Javon1LLFor the kindness and care you always show to your classmates. We are so lucky to have you as a part of 1LL.
Boyd1MMFor trying your best during our location lesson. You produced a fantastic Rosie’s Walk book, using direction words. Well done Boyd!
Oliver2BLFor being a superstar in daily review and always participating 120% in all activities.  Thanks for being fabulous Ollie!
William2CWFor his enthusiastic participation during Spelling sessions. You set a great example for others to follow. Keep it up!
Vasco2DKFor always giving 100% effort, especially in science where he recorded detailed observations of sound experiments. 
Zed2MMFor your effort to take risks when learning about different numeracy strategies. Well done, Zed. 
Reggie2TFFor effectively using his planning time and his attention to detail in his writing pieces. Great work, Reggie!
Clementine3KTFor participating in class discussions and sharing her knowledge with confidence. Keep it up, Clem!
Freddie3MPFor showing his personal best during Literacy tasks. Keep it up!
Pippa3TMFor your positive attitude and enthusiasm for learning. You set an excellent example to the rest of the class!
Petar3TNFor always demonstrating great co-operative work during small group activities. Well done Petar!
Zoe4AFFor constantly showing care for everyone around her. Zoe, you have such a kind heart. 4AF is lucky to have you!
Ezekiel4CMFor maintaining a growth mindset and applying your personal best.
Allegra4MKFor your growth mindset and the effort that you apply to all your learning. Keep up the amazing work!
Indi5HTFor bringing your positive energy and sense of humour to the classroom. Top job Indi!
Madison5LWFor her thoughtfulness in making a card to celebrate Anthea's engagement and organising all the Grade 5 students to sign it. You're a star Madi.
Adi5RCFor showing great leadership skills in the classroom and respecting every member of the classroom and staff. Well done Adi!
Scout5TCFor continuing to work to her personal best and having a go, even when she is unsure. Well done, Scout!
Xanthe6KRFor always being ready to provide support. Xanthe shows her natural leadership abilities by being ready to help her peers, as well as responsibly carrying out additional tasks to help the school community. Thanks Xanthe.
Nathan6MAFor his excellent effort when showing what he knows about addition and subtraction. Your hard work and focus is paying off. Keep it up Nathan!
Josh6MIFor your kindness and inclusivity of others. You were noticed spending your recess tossing a footy with someone who may have been feeling left out and that shows fantastic character. Well done Josh! 
Miles6MPFor consistently adding your valuable and thoughtful contributions to class discussions. Amazing work!
Gigi Leon - 4MKTheirCareFor always being the first one to offer help, being respectful to everyone and listening to the staff. Well done, Gigi!!