FWPS Parents Association

Mother’s Day Stall 

The annual Mother’s and Special Person’s Day Stall is only two weeks away! Stall donations are still being collected at the office, and food donations can be dropped off on Thursday, 9th May. Items such as fudge, brownies and cookies are all welcome. All food donations must be individually wrapped and labelled with the list of ingredients. Unfortunately, items that contain nuts will not be accepted.


Please make sure your child has up to $5 cash on the day of the stall - Friday, 10th May.


We are also looking for parent volunteers to help set up on Thursday, 9th May or run the stall on Friday, 10th May. You can get involved via the following link.


Sign up here: Mother's Day Stall 2024 signup sheet


Uniform Shop

As the weather begins to cool, and the sunsmart requirements are over for another summer, replace your sun hat with a beanie! Our FWPS Beanies can be purchased for $20 at the office, or at the second hand uniform shop.


The second hand uniform shop will next be open on Tuesday, 11th June. If you can assist with running the stall, we would love to hear from you! Helping is simple and only required from 3.00-3.40pm. Get in contact via: FWPSParentsAssociation@outlook.com


Trivia Night

Plans are underway for the return of the FWPS Trivia night. Stay tuned for more information - to be held in Term 3!


Join us in 2024

Did you know that joining the Parents Association is easy and fun? Follow the link below to stay in the loop with all future activities. Or take it a step further by joining the committee, we always welcome new faces!


Join here: FWPS Parents Association



Clare, Alicia and the Footscray West Primary School Parents Association

Please check-out our Facebook Page: search for FWPS Parents Association


Contact us: FWPSParentsAssociation@outlook.com