LOTE Italian News

Italian Teachers: Federica Mancusi & Kerrie Ahrens 

Term 2 in Italian 

Ciao FWPS community! This year we are learning Italiano!


First, grazie di cuore for making me feel so welcome here at FWPS. My goal for this first semester is to check senior students’ prior knowledge of Italian words and sentence structures, while expanding their vocabulary and helping them explore aspects of the Italian language and culture. Kerrie is introducing Prep students to their first Italian words. 

  • Preps: The first Italian vocabulary taught focusses on greetings, colours, numbers one to ten and the names of family members.
  • Year 3 and 4: The aim for students is to build their conversational skills by learning about greetings, birthdays, numbers, favourite things and facts about themselves. They will explore and expand the vocabulary involved with animals/pets.
  • Year 5 and 6: Students will revise previous materials and explore Italian language and cultural items related to the topic “La scuola” (the school). They will build their translation and observation skills, reflect on their efforts and the benefit of from learning a second or third language.

We are hopeful the students will share Italian words with their families at some stage during the school year. We are proud of the effort students are making in trying to speak and write in Italian. It is not an easy job at all!


Grazie a tutti, e…

Happy activities / Buon Lavoro!


Federica & Kerrie 

The Italian Team