Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

ZolaPACFor always showing her kind, considerate and caring nature by helping others. You display a true FWPS spirit!
RubenPAKFor the effort, positive attitude and growth mindset you apply to all your learning - keep up the amazing work.
ThomasPBDFor the enthusiasm you show each week when learning new sounds and meeting Milo Monkey's new friends.
AudreyPLBFor being a kind and supportive member of the class. Keep up the fantastic work Audrey!
Poppy1JMFor being an excellent classroom helper, kind and respectful to others. You are a great role model!
Frankie1JSFor showing her kindness by inviting her peers to play with her during lunch and recess! Thank you for your generosity in including others into your fun adventures!
Evy1LEFor being a kind and respectful class member. We will miss you as you travel and learn in Europe.
Billy1LLFor your enthusiasm during reading groups and sharing your ideas about the book.
Mia1MMFor being such a kind, helpful and caring member of our class. You always think of others before yourself. Well done, Mia!
Luella2BLFor always being so thoughtful and considerate to others. We appreciate your can do attitude Luella. Thanks for being a super star!!
Lily2CWFor the positive attitude you bring into the classroom each day. You always give your personal best! Keep it up Lily.
Maria2DKFor being a kind and supportive classmate. The way you want others to succeed is special. Well done!
Inara2MMFor having a positive, growth-mindset approach to learning. You have taken on challenges and feedback in numeracy and have shown amazing growth. Keep up that enthusiasm!
Mason2TFFor demonstrating a personal best attitude and growth mindset to Numeracy and Literacy. Great work, Mason!
Noah3KTFor taking on feedback positively to build suspense in his narrative writing.
Maggie3MPFor contributing to class discussions with enthusiasm. Great work!
Alex3TMFor demonstrating resilience and perseverance during practice NAPLAN assessments. Well done Alex!
Meika3TNFor showing kindness and including your classmate in your games. Terrific Meika!
Xander5HTFor the incredible effort you put into completing your work. Awesome job! Keep it up!
Spencer5LWFor giving 100% in everything that you do. Your hard work and dedication is paying off.
Sophie5RCCongratulations to Sophie for consistently demonstrating exemplary behaviour, dedication to learning and positive contributions to our classroom community! You should be very proud! Well done!
Julius5TCFor being focused in class and determined to do his personal best. Well done, Julius!
Jenson6KRFor being inclusive and collaborative throughout the group project, and investigating his research topic with curiosity.
Niko6MAFor being such an outstanding group member when completing shared tasks. Excellent job sharing your thinking and utilising your skills Niko.
Aaron6MIFor always smiling, spreading positivity and helping others. Your effort on your persuasive text has not gone unnoticed!
Ayantu6MPFor always taking pride in your work and following our school's values.
Wesley Hann (PAK)TheirCareFor always being brave and confident when attending TheirCare and for always putting a big smile on his face. Well done, Wesley!