Principal's News

Prayer: For our children
- Lord, I pray that You will remind our children daily that Your love for them is everlasting (Psalm 103:17).
- Cultivate a grateful heart within them (Psalm 118:28).
- Help them speak the truth to others and to themselves (Ephesians 4:25).
- Fill them with joy and peace (Romans 15:13).
- Make them a blessing to everyone they meet (1 Peter 3:9).
- Help them to listen to Your Word and follow your message (Luke 11:28).
- May they never walk away from You; draw their hearts closer so You will always be near them (James 4:8).
Dear Families,
It has been a great week so far and yesterday was a real highlight. Book Week is of course a wonderful celebration of children's literature and our whole school Book Week Parade is a great tradition. This year's I felt was the best I have seen so far. Thank you to all our families and children for the amazing effort that was put into the costumes this year as they were simply fantastic. Ms Marinelli has included a full report on our Book Week celebrations and the parade in her Student Learning page this week.
As mentioned, last week, a small group of us met in St James' Church to pray a decade of the rosary. All those who were there really enjoyed and appreciated this reflective time and the process of sharing this special prayer together. As such we would like to offer this opportunity to others who may have missed out as well as those who came last time. On Friday 6th September, Bernadette will again lead us in a decade of the rosary and we are even looking at the possibility that we could do this on the first Friday of each month. We will send out some reminders for all those interested and those with special things to pray for who can meet on Friday 6th September in St James Church from 8:15am.
School Production: Calling all SuperHeroes - From Ms Stanton.
Howdy all,
Showtime is nearing and we are starting to gather some different items we'll need for the performance! Here are the descriptions for each class's costumes for the concert.
PDF Version here.
If you need help in sourcing an item for your child's costume or have any questions, please reach out to your child's classroom teacher or myself and we will assist you!
Thank you,
Ms. Stanton
Kind regards,
Colour at the front door
I am sure you have noticed the beautiful colours which now brighten up the entrance to our school. Special thanks to Sally who has planted some flowers and placed some colourful pots to greet us at the front door. Thank you also to the children who helped her prepare the soil so these plants can thrive. Ms Belinda and Sally have been working hard in our gardens to really bring them to life and to add some greenery and colour around the school. If you haven't had a chance please drop in and have a look at the garden beds near our adventure playground which are now bursting with plants and vegetables.
Uniforms - Second Hand Uniform donations needed:
If your kids have grown out of their (new style) uniforms, please consider donating to the secondhand “shop”.
We only have a few items left after the sale last term and so we would love to replenish our stocks.
You are welcome to drop them off to the office.
Thanks so much!
Father's Day is Just around the corner....
A reminder that our Father's Day Breakfast will be on Friday 30th August from 8am.
There are many important events throughout the term so please keep an eye on the school calendar.
Secondary Schools - St Mary's College- BOOK A TOUR HERE
Playgroup @ Trinity Primary School
We encourage all those with pre-school children aged 0-6 years to attend these wonderful sessions.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send Ms Kate Foley an email.
- Dance Factory - Dance Classes
- EXTEND - Out of Hours School Care
- FC Melbourne X Strike Soccer Local soccer club in Richmond
Get in contact to learn more! Join our exciting club teams in 2024
text or call 0405 765 943 - First Year Registration is FREE
Nigel Rodrigues