School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

Welcome to the page in the Newsletter where we celebrate student success.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for students who are demonstrating our school values. These behaviours are all listed in our Naranga School Expectations Matrix.
^Click the matrix above for a closer look.
*Axel (JEGA): being safe
*Elijah (JMAL): being a learner
*Huxley (JNUN): being respectful
*Dylan (JEGA): being a learner
*Levi (SAUD): for remaining positive and calm during a tricky situation
*Landyn (SWAL): for completing our Reading Mastery level
*Jade (SAUD): for completing our Reading Mastery level
*Imogen (SPAL): for completing our Reading Mastery level
*Michael (PMCC): for persisting and attending Monterey, Certificate 2 in Screen and Media
*Kai (PMCC): for persisting and attending Monterey, Certificate 2 in Cooking
*Simi (PMCC): for persisting and attending Monterey, Certificate 2 in Screen and Media
*Emily (PMCC): for persisting and attending Monterey, Certificate 2 in Cooking
*Bianca (PMCC): for persisting and attending Monterey, Certificate 2 in Cooking
*Levi (SSMC): for outstanding BBQ skills in Outdoor Ed
*Jasarah (SWAL): for completing our Reading Mastery level
*Shay (SSMC): for supporting her classmates in being respectful and making good choice
*Shay (SSMC): for being responsible, coming back into the Kitchen and helping do the washing up. Well done Shay!
*Megan and Storm (PPIA): for always attending SBAT
*Landyn (SWAL) and Kane (SPAL): for showing great sportsmanship at basketball
*Michael, Bianca, Emily, Simi and Kai (PMCC): for being great learners at the Monterey VET program
*All of the Trade Kitchen Group: for being super star chefs in the kitchen ever week being amazing learner
This week PE (Andy) gave a shout out to Junior Malcolm for an outstanding week. Junior Malcolm participated in all learning tasks with enthusiasm and big smiles. Thank you for being a totally awesome class to teach. You guys are brillant, keep it up!
This week’s friendship cup goes to Gabriella and Huxley. Well done to Gabriella and Huxley for playing together so nicely, taking turns and sharing the doctor's kit.
Naranga School has been part of the Aussie of the Month Program for over 10 years! Want to learn a little bit more about what an 'Aussie of the Month' award mean. Watch the clip below.
Jake (JTER)