Winter is nearly finished

Dear students, parents and carers,
We have had a wonderful stretch of good weather and as a result the new construction has motored along. Every day when I arrive at school the first job is to view the site through the fence. Most days I see changes. The slab is almost finished with one pour to go. With the work done so far I can get a real feel for the size of the new lower junior area and it is wonderful. There is a new fort which has been built over the last month and now they are defining the paths that will weave through the area. The project will be an exciting addition to our school and we look forward to its completion next year.
Sitting in my office I can hear a real buzz in the trade kitchen. We have an outside provider working with our year 11 students on a barista course as part of their work skills program. After today I am sure they will put these new skills to good practice making coffees at school and then possibly in the community.
Currently one of our lower junior groups are on a camp down the peninsula. From all accounts the students are having a wonderful time. They slept well last night, however that being the case some were up very early this morning playing soccer. They are due back this afternoon.
I would also like to acknowledge and share great news from the weekend. Four of our students with two staff and some very excited families made the journey to Adelaide to compete in the National Aerobics Championships. For the second year in a row our team of four won their division with a higher score than last year. Needless to say the school was very proud of their achievements at it was celebrated at this weeks Wednesday morning assembly.
Finally, a reminder of the opportunity to have your say about the school by completing the online parent opinion survey - more detail is below. On Tuesday next week we will be sending home the link again for those parents who have not taken up the opportunity yet. It is really important to us to receive feedback on our never ending journey of improvement and we value your opinions. You have until 30th August to provide your feedback.
Shaun Bacon
Assistant Principal
Our school is conducting the annual Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey offered by the Department of Education and is seeking your feedback. The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. The survey is optional, but we encourage and appreciate your participation.
Our school will use the survey results to assist in identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies.
The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey will be open online from Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August 2024.
All families are invited to participate in the survey.
Your child should have brought home a hard copy of the below on Tuesday. Once one parent/carer completes the survey return the slip to the front office or to your child's teacher to go in the raffle to win a $50 Woolworths Voucher.
The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.