News from the School Nurse

School Nurse: Zowi Marshall (Registered Division 2)



Dear Parents / Carers, 


It has come to my attention that we have a small outbreak of NITS at Footscray West Primary School.


We all know head lice in schools can be a real problem! Our aim is to dramatically reduce the incidence of head lice within our school. 


As whole school group, if we ALL check and where necessary, treat our children at the same time we will help minimise the spread of nits throughout the school. 


It’s simple really:

  • Check ALL your children – even if you don’t think they have nits.
  • Treat your child if nits are found.
  • Comb out all the nits and eggs.
  • Repeat this process in 7 days if nits are found.
  • If no nits are found great, however please continue to check your families’ hair over the next 3 weeks and treat if necessary.
  • If your child has long hair please ensure it is tied back when at school.

We understand that head lice remains a sensitive issue for some, however, if we work together as a community and remain vigilant we will achieve the best outcome.


For more info: Head lice (nits) - Better Health Channel


Should you have any questions or concerns please contact the school office. I will be more than happy to provide additional information or answer any questions.


Thanks for your assistance and co-operation,


Zowi Marshall (School Nurse)