Wellbeing & Inclusion News


The Orange Door provides help for people experiencing family violence, or who need assistance with the care and wellbeing of children and young people.


The Royal Commission into Family Violence and Roadmap for Reform: Strong Families, Safe Children recommended the establishment of The Orange Door because:

  • people often didn’t know where to go for help and feel that they’re bounced around the service system
  • service responses were fragmented and unco-ordinated, with people having to repeatedly tell their story
  • children and families were not always getting the right support at the right time – services were overwhelmed and family violence was a major driver of child vulnerability
  • efforts across the service system to hold perpetrators to account and keep them in view were insufficient, leaving victim-survivors with the burden of managing risk
  • there was too little effort in preventing harm and intervening at the earliest possible opportunity
  • practitioners undertaking risk assessments were not supported by the best available information or tools to adequately address the diversity of people’s experience of family violence and children’s wellbeing
  • the type of response people received was often dependent on their point of entry to the service system and the capacity of that entry point to respond effectively

The Orange Door delivers a fundamental change to the way we work with women, children, families and men by providing:

  • a more visible contact point so that people know where to go for support
  • help for people to identify family violence and child and family safety and wellbeing issues
  • advice based on the latest risk assessment tools and best available information
  • specialist support and tailored advice for victims, families and children, and perpetrators
  • a strong focus on perpetrator accountability
  • an approach across the spectrum of prevention, early intervention and response
  • connection and coordination of access to support
  • a system-wide view of service capacity, client experience and outcomes

The Orange Door supports the agency of women, children and families to ensure that the services they receive meet their needs and goals.


Contact - See the full list of locations for help and support. People can visit The Orange Door in person or phone or email for access to support. The Orange Door is a free service and operates during business hours (9am to 5pm) from Monday to Friday (closed public holidays). 


People seeking services can call or attend The Orange Door in person without a referral. Professionals can contact The Orange Door by phone, email or in person to make referrals or seek information and advice. 

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