Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

LeonPACHe demonstrates remarkable confidence when working with numbers and articulates his thought process, explaining the strategies he uses to solve addition problems. 
WyattPAKFor your enthusiasm towards all learning tasks. Keep up the excellent attitude, Wyatt!
EdoPBDFor being a responsible member of PBD by always remembering to complete your classroom job. Keep it up Edo!
NataliaPLBFor working diligently and efficiently to complete all learning tasks within the given time. Fantastic work Natalia!
Oliver1JMFor applying your personal best effort and showing creativity when making your musical instrument. Amazing job!
Jade1JSFor always showing an empathetic and caring attitude towards all of her classmates. Thank you for keeping an eye out for your peers, when they need support. 
George1LEFor the amazing effort you put into your writing and art work. Keep up this terrific persistence.
Zoe1LLFor the wonderful effort and positive attitude shown towards class tasks. Keep it up!
Sia1MMFor using such great adjectives to describe your character and setting in your farm narrative. Well done!
Emily2BLFor always thinking of others and working hard towards her goals.  Thank you Emily for your marvellous attitude to school!
Otis2CWFor the creativity and enthusiasm, he showed when writing his narrative about Ancient Egypt. 
Vasco2DKFor his sensational narrative writing. Your use of descriptive language and punctuation was fantastic. Well done, Vasco!
Isaac2MMFor your narrative writing. Your sentences are very creative, and you used lots of new vocabulary.
Vera2TFFor the personal best effort she has demonstrated in her narrative writing. Great work, Vera!
Louis3KTFor demonstrating responsibility as a learner in the way that he takes on challenges.
Davey3MPFor his positive attitude during learning tasks. Well done Davey!
Floyd3TMFor always sharing your excellent ideas with the class and participating in all class discussions. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us Floyd!
Angus3TNShowing great focus during the writing session to complete your task. Terrific effort Angus!
Rumi4AFFor always being responsible and staying focused in the classroom. Rumi, you're amazing!
Atikah4CMFor putting forth her best effort in all areas of learning and demonstrating a growth mindset when facing challenges. 
Aarushi4MKFor listening attentively and showing accountability towards your learning. Incredible work Aarushi!
Lourdes5HTFor applying a growth mindset and having a fantastic Term 2! Keep it up!
Sophie5LWFor the positive mindset she has shown to mathematics this term. Your improvement is testament to your effort
Adalyn5RCFor always participating actively in classroom discussion and showing resilience in her learning. Congratulations Addy. 
Monty5TCFor his work ethic in class and showing resilience during our music performance. Great work, Monty!
James6KRFor adapting to changes with maturity and respect. In sports and in group work, James is equally able to participate actively and support others, a true demonstration of leading by example.
Nicholas6MAFor being a supportive and uplifting classmate. Your ability to make everyone feel included is truly a gift. Keep it going Nicholas!
Lawrence6MIFor your accountability towards your school work and consistent kindness towards others. Keep up the great work!
Teddy6MPFor your consistent effort across all areas of the curriculum. Keep it up!
Cody Grindrod - PACTheirCareFor showing braveness when attending TheirCare and always having a big smile on his face. Well done Cody!!