From the Principal

Good morning everyone, at 2.30 today, the College will close for 2 weeks so the community can have a well earned break. It's been a long and exciting term. Please be safe and recharge the batteries ready to continue on your learning journey, 15th July.
This term has been action packed with numerous opportunities for our students to participate in. Activities such as excursions to Mills Beach, Salvation Army, School Sport Victoria events, Division Athletics, Trades Hall, Magistrate and Supreme courts, Mornington Library, Esports, Cross Country, Pilates, Careers expo, fishing and environmental field trips.
We have had many incursions too! Year 8 students learnt the dangers of alcohol, Yr 7 sang with the Acapella group from Yale University, Yr 10’s listened to a presentation on ‘end the coward punch’ and ZOOM conferencing was organized for our Japanese students.
Multiple camps have taken place to the Otways, The Summit and Mt. Buller.
Senior students prepared food for the Worlds Biggest Morning Tea to raise money for the Cancer Foundation.
Local primary school students joined us to play tabloid sports, facilitated by our very own PE students.
The Hurricanes and Boultify Aerobics teams went through to State competition and the senior Aerobics team Boultify, made the National competition (held next term).
Students sat mid-year exams, Vocational Major students formally presented their work, Year 7-9 students sat the PAT assessment and all students participated in the Attitudes to School survey.
All this occurred in conjunction with engaging teaching and learning.
Course information evening for students and families took place this week and interviews will be conducted for students early Term 3.
The first week of Term 3 will begin with NAPLAN results being delivered to the school. Year 10 Project Ready students will assist Landcare by planting trees on Arthur’s seat and the State Cross Country will be run.
A whole school assembly has been scheduled for 16th July, Period 2 (9.55am to 10.55am). Parents are very welcome to attend. Please contact Alli Betts at the General Office if you would like to attend.
A parent information session on ‘Cyber Safety’ is scheduled for Thursday 18th July, 5.30-7pm with Susan McLean as presenter.
Susan McLean is ‘Australia’s foremost expert in the area of cyber safety and was a member of Victoria Police for 27 years. Widely known as the ‘cyber cop’ she was the first Victoria Police Officer appointed to a position involving cyber safety and young people. In 2003 she was the Victoria Police Region Four Youth Officer of the Year. She has also been awarded The National Medal and the Victoria Police Service Medal and 2nd Clasp, and the National Police Medal’.
During her presentation, Susan will refer to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the significant role it could have in our young people’s lives, shaping their online experiences and learning environments.
I hope to see you at her presentation as understanding AI and implementing strategies to promote online safety are crucial for safeguarding our young people aged 12-18 in the virtual world. Please RSVP to Nicole Spicer at Student Services.
Susan McLean will also spend time speaking to students in Years 7-9, 19th July.
Please have a wonderful break, thankyou for your ongoing support.
Linda Stanton
Important Dates
Term 3
Monday 15th July - Term 3 Commences
Tuesday 16th July - Whole School Assembly
Friday 26th July to Tuesday 6th August - Osaka Exchange
Friday 26th July - Year 9 Course Counselling
Tuesday 30th July to Thursday 1st August - College Production
Friday 2nd August - Year 10 2024 into Year 11 2025 Course Counselling
Friday 9th August - Staff Professional Development Day - Student Free
Thursday 22nd August - Parent Teacher Interviews - At school and online
Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th August - Music Camp
Thursday 12th September - 2025 Parent Information Evening - 5.00pm to 6.00pm
Friday 13th September - Staff Professional Development Day - Student Free
Monday 16th to Friday 20th September - Year 12 completing Units 3 and 4 - Trial Exams
Monday 16th to Thursday 19th September - Year 12 Revision Lectures
Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term 3 - 2.30pm Dismissal
Don't forget to look on compass for sport sign ups, excursions and any other information sent to students and parents.
Below is a link to help guide you in your use of compass.
Middle School
Dear students and families,
A Great Term at Mornington Secondary College!
What a fantastic term we have had! It has been filled with exciting excursions, memorable camps, and, of course, plenty of learning. I have had the pleasure of attending assemblies throughout the week for Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9, where I have presented awards for learning growth and excellence, attendance, birthdays, camp values, and kindness. It is always inspiring to see our students recognized for their hard work and positive contributions.
Year 8 Special Day at the Cinema
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to accompany our Year 8 students to the cinema as part of their special day. I am proud to report that our students were exemplary in their behaviour, making the day enjoyable for everyone.
Course Information Evening
It was also lovely to see so many of you at the Course information evening. Your support means so much to us and contributes greatly to the success of our school. Please remember to check compass for course counselling interviews.
Wishing you a wonderful break
As we wrap up this term, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the families for your continued support. We couldn't do it without you. Have a wonderful and restful break, and we look forward to seeing you all next term.
Denise Leggett
Middle School Assistant Principal
Senior School
To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,
We’ve made it through the longest term of the year! Our Senior School students have achieved so much already this year. As this edition is released, there will no doubt be some tired year 12s after their formal on Thursday night. They’ve put in a lot of work in semester one and it was great to have them have a chance to relax in each other’s company. They put in a lot of work to look sensational as well.
Course Selection Information Night
It was fantastic to see so many 9-11 students and parents on Tuesday. We ended up running out of chairs in the Learning Centre! It was great to see so many invested students and parents investigating the different options available to them in 2025. There were many questions asked and answered, so now the important part for students and families is to continue to ask questions, read the subject descriptions and consider their existing strengths, areas of interest based on semester reports and progress checks.
It is essential that families ensure that all Senior School students return for term 3 in full school uniform and with restocked learning materials (pens, books, highlighters, working laptop). Students without full uniform (and without an approved note) may be sent home to change. Linda Stanton wrote about the ministerial order (1280, section 26 (1)) that articulates the powers given to school council to uniform rules and rights. Mornington Secondary College has a school-approved uniform policy and acceptable items. Any student not complying with that policy may be withdrawn from classes, from the yard at recess and lunch until the uniform matter can be rectified. They may also receive additional consequences such as afterschool detention. The issues we are seeing in the Senior School mostly relate to black pants of any style and flared pants/leggings. These are not school-council approved items and must not be worn to school. Supports are available for families with financial difficulties and families should contact Shellie Farnill in Student Services for assistance.
Term 3 key dates for Senior School
Tues 16th July – Year 11 into Year 12 course counselling information session in assembly
Fri 19th July – VCE VM applications due, Applications for new year 12 subject due
Fri 2nd August – Year 10 into Year 11 course counselling
Fri 13th September – Final Day for Unit 4 coursework (Yr 12 VCE ATAR)
16-20th September – Trial exam period for Year 12 classes
On behalf of the Senior School, I wish all our students and their families a positive holiday break and look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and recharged for term 3.
Nick Evans
Senior School Assistant Principal
Semester One Reports
Semester One reports will be available to students and parents through Compass on Thursday June 27th. It is important that families take time to reflect and celebrate the achievements made in Semester One as well as set goals for the remainder of the year. The reports do take a few minutes to generate and download, due to the large volume of parents accessing Compass reports across the state, so please be patient. If you have a query regarding the published report, please contact the subject teacher via email at the beginning of Term 3.
Wishing everyone a safe and restful holiday break.
Kayla Christie Year 9 - Outstanding Sporting Achievement
Kayla Christie of Year 9 has been talent identified by Netball Victoria and will trial for the Netball Victoria Training Academy in November, 2024. Kayla has also been selected to join the current Youth Advisory Committee for Netball Victoria and is the youngest on the Committee, which is an outstanding achievement and leadership opportunity for Kayla. The purpose of the Youth Advisory Committee is to be the voice of young people, and to assist the association by providing advice and feedback in relation to the opinions of young people in netball. Congratulations Kayla on this very special achievement. We look forward to seeing your netball opportunities continue to flourish.
Year 12 Snow Camp Wrap-up
Our recent snow camp was a huge success!
We traveled up the mountain in luxury transport, where students finally got to see the first glimpse of snow after a long drive. We suited up and got straight into our lessons. After hearing the terms “pizza” and “fries” a lot on the first morning, we soon saw fewer bottoms sitting on the snow trying to get back up and a lot more actual skiing and snowboarding by the afternoon.
After a big feed and an early night, we were ready to hit the slopes once again with our fluorescent bibs. Hopefully, this made it easier for all parents to spot their kids on the snow cams. On the second day, we were extremely lucky to experience snow flurries. The snowy weather paired with now-confident skiers and snowboarders made it the ultimate day.
We had some speed demons on Burke Street that even us teachers were struggling to keep up with. Despite our bruised egos, we were super proud of the improvement the students made over such a short period of time. We received positive feedback from Mt Buller staff, referring to our kids as polite and lovely.
Thank you to all the parents, especially for dragging yourselves out of bed before 5 a.m. on a school day. We hope it has been a very valuable and memorable time for students, and that this experience supports their upcoming assessments.
A massive thanks to our staff: Madison Nicholls, Mick Williams, Viv Collins, Chris Jones, and Zarah Carnie.
Maddie Nicholls
Outdoor and Environmental Studies Teacher
SMR Cross Country
On Tuesday we had 32 students compete at the SMR Cross Country Championships held at Ballam Park. MSC were well represented in each age group and all students were fantastic ambassadors for our college.
Thanks to Mr Walker and Emily Jerkovic for all your help on the day and in the lead up to this event!
We had a very successful day with the following 8 students qualifying for State Cross Country on the 18th of July at the Yarra Valley Racing Club
17-20 Boys
Andrew Turver 2nd place
14 Boys- Overall team winners of this event
Ethan Sheen st place
Kai Peel 3rd place
Ryder Rowe 4th place
Bailey Barrett 15th
Rafa Merchan 22nd
15 Boys
Baylin Wilcox 8th place
12-13 Girls
Ella Holcombe 9th
Congratulations to all of those who ran on the day. It is a tremendous effort to make it to this level and we are extremely proud of each you and grateful for you contribution to the MSC Cross-Country team in 2024! Wishing all of our State and All Schools Cross Country runners the best of luck who will compete in the first week back term 3.
Alex Mackenzie
Athletics Coach
Year 8 - Mental Health and Wellbeing Day Report
The Year 8 Captains along with the Year 8 Coordinators decided that we should have a mental health and wellbeing day to have some time to connect with each other and have some fun away from the laptops at the end of term. After brainstorming what we could do, we decided on having a movie day on the 26th of June where we took all the kids to Hoyts cinema and watched Inside Out 2.
We met with Mrs. Stanton, and discussed what we wanted to do, in the end we decided to have an assembly in period 1, and after the movie have a pizza lunch and year level dodgeball competition.
We called Driver Costal, a local bus company, and arranged to have buses pick us up and drop us off. We called Hoyts to book the cinema see if we could get a deal where each student got a popcorn and drink, which we did. Considering the amount of pizzas we were ordering, Domino’s gave us a discount.
We met with the school accountant to discuss what the final cost was and how much each child would need to pay to cover it.
After finalising the bookings, we put the event on Compass, and we had 102 of 132 students attend. The students who didn’t pay could still come to school but wouldn’t go to the movies and would stay at school, working on a booklet.
In the morning, we went to the Performing Arts center to have our Year 8 assembly where our Coordinators and Mrs Leggett, Assistant Principal gave out a variety of awards to outstanding students.
At 10:30 we made the short bus trip to the movies, we went straight into the cinema where our popcorn and water was waiting for us to receive as we walked in. We got our own Xtreme cinema with really comfy chairs. The students had mixed reviews about the movie but all really enjoyed the experience of going out as a year level.
We got on the buses and went back to school, going straight to the Year 7 area to have our pizza lunch. Somehow, we finished the 60 pizzas we ordered! After lunch, we went over to the stadium and split into our classes and played class verse class dodgeball. 8C won after a thrilling final.
As a whole, the day went smoothly and according to plan, the students had fun and enjoyed the day of celebration before the holidays.
Lulu Ramalinga, Chloe Smith, Grace Estcourt & Ella Pleiter-Singleton
Year 8 Captains
Susan McLean - CyberSafety Expert - Free Parent Session
Uniform Specials
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