Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

EllePACFor being a motivated and independent student. Keep up the amazing growth mindset! 
KyiaPAKFor joining PAK and settling so well into your new class. Welcome!
FynnPBDFor always trying hard to listen for sounds in words to help you with your writing. Keep up the great effort!
JimmyPLBFor working hard during reading groups to decode and blend unfamiliar words. Superb work Jimmy!
Mihail1JMFor his thoughtful contributions to our whole class discussions. You are a great role model. Wonderful effort. 
Alicia1JSFor applying her personal best to maths and writing. Thank you for being resilient and working hard everyday! 
Oscar1LEFor his great listening skills and the effort he puts into his work.
Lucy1LLFor settling in so well to your new class and school. Well done Lucy!
Julietta1MMFor settling into 1MM so well. You have started to make friends and learn our classroom routines. Well done, Julietta!
Luella2BLThe care and effort she puts into her learning tasks.  Keep up the great work Luella!
Olina2CWFor the enthusiasm and growth mindset you applied when learning to create visual representations to solve multiplication problems. 
Maria2DKFor the amazing effort you are putting into all of your learning. It's great to see you succeeding in all that you do!
Ayaan2MMFor always coming in with a positive attitude, giving your best effort towards everything. We love having such a respectful and friendly member in our classroom.
Felix2TFFor his attitude towards his learning in Term 3. Well done on the way you have applied feedback to your learning. Keep up the great work!
Asha3KTFor the cheerful and positive way that she approaches learning tasks. Keep it up, Asha!
Zac3MPFor showing kindness and helping others. Keep it up!
Oliver3TMFor participating enthusiastically in the grade 3 swimming program. Congratulations Oliver!
Adem3TNApplying personal best and having a go in all work tasks. Great job Adem! 
Mai4AFFor always offering a helping hand to others in the grade. 4AF appreciates your kindness Mai!
James4CMFor demonstrating independence, attentive listening and a growth mindset at swimming this week. 
Rohan4MKFor settling into your new school so beautifully and for becoming a positive member of 4MK. Great Job!
Anneliese5HTFor the incredible effort you put into everything you do. Awesome work!!!
Samuel5LWFor his positive attitude and competitive spirit during athletics.
Evie5RCFor her outstanding effort and dedication to her tasks. Your positive attitude and enthusiasm for learning make every day in the classroom fun and enjoyable. Well done!
Remy5TCFor showing resilience by taking on challenges in the classroom. Great work, Remy!
Ruhiya6KRFor putting effort into her work and always asking questions to deepen her understanding!
Milly6MAFor fulfilling the role of a class captain wonderfully. Thank you for always putting your hand up to help out! Keep it up, Milly!
Arielle6MIFor always having a kind and mature approach to things. You set a fabulous example. Keep it up Arielle!!!!!
Tahlia6MPFor making an encouraging start to your persuasive text. Amazing work, Tahlia. Keep it up!
Isaiah - 1LETheirCareFor always showing respect to staff and educators when it is roll call and knowing when it's time to listen. Well done, Isaiah!!