Home Economics 

with Ms Athiniotis

Time to make a sandwich!



Last term some of our upper junior students requested sandwich making for Term 4 in their reflection sheets so they could learn how to make their own lunches.

Popular combinations:

  •  Vegemite and cheese
  • Ham, pineapple and cheese
  • Grated carrot and cheese
  • Salami, tomato, lettuce and cheese
  • Tomato, cucumber, grated carrot and cheese


  1.  Place two slices of bread on a cutting board
  2.  Spread butter or margarine on each slice of bread
  3.  Place your toppings on one of the slices of bread only
  4.  Spread mayonnaise or sauce on the other slice of bread.  Make sure you spread it  to the edge. (Optional)
  5.  Put the "lid" on the sandwich.  Press down firmly
  6.  Cut you sandwich in half
  7.  Pl on a bread-and-butter plate

Students did a great job preparing their toppings, spreading margarine, assembling and cutting up sandwich pieces.