Performing Arts News

Luke Devenish - Music & Prue Slingsby - Domain Leader


Dance Academy - Dancestar Regional Competition

In a triumph of talent, dedication, and sheer hard work, the students of Sandringham College Dance Academy have proven themselves on the regional stage, securing their spots in the upcoming state competition. On April 28th, 45 dancers spanning Year 7 to 12 showcased their skills at the Dancestar regional competition.


Sandringham College proudly entered 6 teams across jazz, contemporary, and hip hop categories, each representing the academy's commitment to diversity and versatility in dance, and their efforts did not go unnoticed. In a testament to their hard work, all 6 teams qualified for the state competition scheduled for June.


As we celebrate this momentous achievement, let us extend a big thank you to Kristina Hardner for all her work with organsing the competition teams and spending the day with the students at Rowville as they performed. 


We wish all our students involved a very big CHOOKAS for the next section of this competition. 

Dance Showcase

Dance students are currently preparing for our Mid-Year Dance Showcase. This event presents students from across years 7 to 12, who are involved in our curricular and extra- curricular and dance programs including; Dance Academy, VET VCE Dance and Tap Club.


This performance will be in week 6 of term 2. Ticket are now on sale, see the QR code or link below for the trybookings page. 


VCE Production Update -  THE ASH GIRL

We are almost ready to present the VCE Theatre Studies interpretation of Timberlake Wertenbaker's The Ash Girl to an audience. Students are executing designs, troubleshooting tech, making minor adjustments to their scene work and working with technical operators to rehearse and refine their work. 


Students have learnt about the bump in process, what happens in technical and dress rehearsals, how to safely work in their production roles and have evaluated their contributions to the process. Come along and see what they have created!


Come along, support the VCE class and enjoy an evening of theatrical entertainment. 

WHEN: 9th and 10th May at 7pm

WHERE: Holloway Theatre

HOW: Via TryBooking:


Note: On Thursday evening, there is a post-show Q&A that members of the audience are welcome to stay for, should you so desire. Several questions will be put to the class and all students will speak about their ideas and their process. You will hear about what they have learnt from this outcome and what types of work are involved in this subject, so it's strongly encouraged that any Year 9 or 10 students considering VCE Theatre Studies attend.

VCE Music Unit 1 Showcase

Featuring all students in VCE Music unit 1 class performing solo and ensemble works covered throughout the semester. This is going to be an amazing night with music styles ranging from Music theatre, Jazz, classical, Progressive rock and Pop. With something for everyone, I would encourage all students interested in what happens in VCE music to come along!


WHEN: Tuesday 28th - 7 pm

WHERE: Theatre Holloway Road 


Soundtracks - Instrumental Music Ensemble performance night

Semester 1 Instrumental Music ensemble performance night. All students from years 7 to 12 involved in the Sandringham Instrumental Music program. Ensembles will perform a range of repertoire in our first major performance night of 2023. Come along and see:

Beginner Band

Concert Band


String Ensemble

Guitar Ensemble

Big Band

Percussion ensemble 1 and 2



WHEN: Thursday 30th - 7 pm

WHERE:  Theatre Holloway Road 



Music Department Update 


The dust has settled and we are in the swing of term 2 and getting ready for our performances in May (VCE Unit 1 performance night, Tuesday 28th May and Soundtracks the Ensemble night, Thursday 30th May). It is a good time to review how we’ve done with the new facilities, ensemble rehearsal times and processes for crossing between campuses for lessons.


For the most part it’s been a smooth change into the new building and all ensemble rehearsals being at Holloway with only minor issues in timetabling lessons in period 1 and crossing with large or heavy instruments. 


I have noticed that the early mornings have been a challenge for some students. Can I please encourage students to make the effort to arrive on time for the period 0 school ensembles. Ensembles start rehearsing at 7.50am which means that students should arrive 5 minutes prior, so they can setup, tune and be ready to start rehearsing at 7.50am. Most ensembles finish at 8.35am so students can cross campus if required with plenty of time. If students arrive late, this impacts the whole ensemble and means that all students miss out on valuable rehearsal time as every instrument and voice is essential in an ensemble. 


If students are catching public transport, can I ask that parents check the directions and ensure that student arrival time is 7.45am. 


I have made a feedback formhereand would appreciate parent and student feedback on the Sandy music program, the new morning rehearsals, processes and facilities. As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact me early so I can help to make every Sandy student’s music education better.


Many thanks

Luke Devenish