
Located in the Library at the Holloway Road campus, the Careers Room is open every lunchtime. Students are welcome to come around and browse resources, ask questions, or book an interview with Deb Hanlen.

Year 12

All important dates relating to VTAC applications, SEAS and scholarships are outlined in the link below. Before the VTAC applications open I will be holding and information session on all VTAC processes.

Most open days are held between late June and August. A comprehensive information sheet of dates and times, campuses and contact details will be distributed closer to the open days.


Year 11 

In the coming weeks all Year 11 students will be updating their career action plan. This will hopefully start the process of thinking about their Year 12 program and also leading to linking subjects with possible future pathways.


Year 10 

Year 10 students have just finished three career sessions to prepare them for subject selection, VCE and how to start making pathway decisions. A detailed email will be sent home to parents next week.