
Moving of the Year 8 to 11 Lockers

Lockers play a crucial role in keeping our school environment safe, organised, and conducive to learning. This year we have moved lockers out of corridors and into new spaces. All the Year 8 and 9 lockers are now in new rooms at Bluff Road, and on Friday 3rd May all of the Year 10 and 11 lockers have been moved and now reside in the old canteen area. 



A reminder to students that keeping your locker locked and organised assists with learning and can lead to improvements in learning. 


A cluttered locker can lead to misplaced assignments, lost textbooks, and unnecessary stress. All our students have been given a locker with a combination lock. 


Unfortunately, there are many students who choose not to lock their lock or even use their lock at all. Keeping your locker locked will ensure that belongings are kept secure. We encourage parents and careers to have conversations with their children about this.  


The movement of lockers out of the corridors will also mean that these areas are safer for the flow of foot traffic and will reduce the time needed to get to class. 


Moving the lockers at Holloway will also allow for students that have special provision will have access to a building and exam environment that is quiet and will not have the noise associated with students accessing their locker. 


Michael McGowan

Assistant Principal