Your World. Your VCE.

Cody Gunn, Assistant Principal 10 - 12 Campus

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery? It's time to map out your educational pathway and select the subjects that will shape your future. But hold up – before you dive in, let's talk about making the right choices for YOU.


Sure, it's tempting to go with the flow and pick subjects just because your friends are choosing them. But here's the scoop: your education is all about YOU. What lights your fire? What gets you excited? What are you really good at?


Take a moment to think about your interests, passions, and strengths. This is YOUR time to shine, so don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd. Maybe you're a math whiz or a budding artist. Perhaps you're passionate about science or have a knack for languages. Whatever it is, OWN it!


Now, I know what you're thinking – how do I make informed choices?


Well, buckle up because we've got a game-changer for you:


One of the best ways to access this website is to check out all the different engaging pathways of the senior school – take a look at this snapshot below:


Term 2 is a big time for future planning at our school, especially for our Year 10 and 11 students. We've got some exciting events lined up like the Careers Expo, the G10 Summit, and the Year 11 Lifeskills Day. 


These events are all about helping students explore different careers, learn important life skills, and start thinking about their future paths. It's really important for students to start planning early so they can make informed decisions about their education and careers. By getting involved in these activities, our students are gaining valuable insights and confidence to tackle the next steps after high school. 


Term 2 is a key moment for them to start shaping their future success!