Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

In this week's newsletter:

  • Welcome back!
  • Congratulations and Appreciations
  • News from the Principal Team

    Principal team visited classrooms on Tuesday and shared the following:
    • School values and introduction of The Berry Street Education Model
    • Sunsmart focus on wearing hats
    • Gazebo as eating location during lunch and recess times
    • Mobile phone and smart-watch policy reminder
    • Video/photo permission
  • In other news
    • Specialist program changes this year
    • Digital Technologies Acceptable Use Agreement
    • Swimming trials
    • Incursion, excursion and camp booking deadlines
    • Grade 1 and 2 swimming
    • Current Covid advice
  • Coming up 
    • Parent Carer Information Sharing Forums
    • School photo day
    • Curriculum day
    • Soundgarage 
    • Grade 3 Zoo Snooze overnight camps
  • Annual Reminders
    • Curriculum contributions
    • TheirCare access
    • School Council Membership information

Welcome Back!

We have enjoyed mild summer weather as an ideal accompaniment for our positive return to school this week.  Our preps keenly entered their new classrooms and the prep team was superbly organised by Brooke and the team.  The principal team, along with members of the specialist team spent time in each of the prep grades and it was pleasing to see how well the children settled in.  There weren’t too many parent/carer tears either!  A big appreciation to our Parents’ Association who provided beautifully prepared welcome packs for all of our new prep cohort.  On Wednesday it was the first of 5 Wednesday assessment days.  As has been a long time practice, all grade prep students are provided with a one hour assessment meeting with their class teacher.  This is an engaging 1:1 opportunity for class teachers and students to get to know each other and for teachers to gain a strong understanding of each learner’s individual needs.


We were pleased to also welcome back new staff members who last attended FWPS on our Through School Transition Day late last year.  No doubt the first day with classes was made easier by that initial meeting held then.  We also welcomed Sharon Sultana to the admin team yesterday.  Sharon will undertake a full time position replacing long term part time team members, Yvonne (who retired at the end of term) and Natalie (who joined the staff of Bayside SC during the term).  Sharon has a significant work history in customer service and we are confident she will really add to our wonderful front of house team.  Make sure you say ‘hello’ when you next visit the office.

Congratulations and Appreciations…

  • Congratulations to Jess and Monty on the arrival of baby Kai Francis du Plessis during the holidays. They are very appreciative of beautiful messages, presents and support. What a cute little fella he is!
  • Congratulations to grade 2 team member Troy on his marriage to partner Rachael over the holidays.  Troy relayed that they were delighted about every aspect of a memorable day.
  • We very much appreciate the many hours of preparation that members of the staff team have provided over the last couple of weeks of the holidays.  There were literally dozens of our teaching staff in their classrooms last week!
  • A special thanks to Heather Patterson who this year will provide a specialist library program.  Starting last term, Heather spent a great deal of time sorting out and rejuvenating the library area over the break.  Heather was also appreciative of parents; Mike Welsh (Ciaran 6MI), Maria Barham (Ryan 5HT) and Chantelle Petith (Juniper 2TF) who answered our Compass call for assistance during the last week of the holidays.
  • Thanks to former FWPS parents Sonia and Remi of Happy Camper for providing lunch for staff on Monday at a very reasonable price.

News from the Principal Team

School Values and Introduction of The Berry Street Education Model

The principal team combined to visit the grade 1 to 6 classes on Tuesday in lieu of a whole school assembly.  We were able to touch on a few important aspects and the high quality of attentive listening was evident across the school.  As a priority we spoke about our new values. Thank you to our community for working with us to develop these. They are listed in the table (below):

Footscray West Primary School’s Vision Statement: 

Working together to make our shared world a better place for all.


Footscray West Primary School’s values are: 

Belonging, Respect, Resilience and Responsibility. 

  • We will develop meaningful and respectful relationships and connections.
  • We will model and demonstrate kindness.
  • We will harness our wonder and curiosity to expand our knowledge and understanding.
  • We will promote excellence through effort, determination and achievement.
  • We will instil a strong sense of self.
  • We will encourage reflection, heartfelt gratitude and the expression of genuine appreciation to others.

From the beginning of the year each class will develop their understanding around the new school values and the behaviours that support these. We are looking forward to implementing The Berry Street Educational Model to ensure a common schoolwide approach.


Teacher professional learning will be kick started on Monday, 12th February (week 3) on our Curriculum Day.  This is a student free day.  Their Care will provide a full day care program on this day.  


Sunsmart Focus on Wearing Hats

We discussed our Sunsmart arrangements for the wearing of sunsmart approved hats during Term 1 and Term 4.  This policy to protect student and staff health is not new.  However, post pandemic, providing additional shaded areas for students to play when they forget their hat has been problematic.  Some senior students formed the habit of choosing not to wear hats and continuing to play, often returning to a shaded area only after being advised.  This year we are returning to an explicit ‘No hat, no play’ policy that ensures we protect student health.  All students without hats will remain in the covered area between Wallaby and Bilby.  (Please note that this was mistakenly stated to be the green shade sail in communications sent to parents last Thursday).  A daily reminder over the PA to apply sunscreen will continue to be communicated prior to lunch play. We kindly ask that families please place a suitable non-aerosol sunscreen in their child’s bag. 


Gazebo as eating location during Lunch and Recess times

To assist us in reducing litter in the yard, students with food from classrooms, or the canteen must eat it in the Gazebo area to enable rubbish to be disposed of in the available bins prior to playing.  This is the only area where bins will be available.  We are already seeing a great reduction in the amount of food scraps and litter around the yard. A reminder that the canteen will open for business from Wednesday next week and will continue to provide online orders via Munch Monitor from Wednesday to Friday weekly.


Mobile Phone and Smart-Watch Policy Reminder

In the senior and middle grades we covered mobile phones and smart watches. We follow the Department of Education policy that bans student use of all mobile phones and smart- watches at school. These items will need to be signed in and placed in the teacher’s locker at the beginning of the school day and returned at home time.  While this is usually straightforward with mobile phones, students cannot wear their smart watches if they have capability to photograph, film, text or call.  While there is a ‘school mode’ option, this is not acceptable, as they can be easily switched between modes and it is unrealistic for school staff to supervise this.  Fit Bit and Garmin versions are acceptable, as they do not have capability to photograph, film, text or take calls.  Special permission to keep a phone can be sought via the Principal under certain conditions only (ie medical).  

The policy may be accessed at:


Video / Photo Permission

We discussed the new Department of Education ‘opt out’ process for student videos/photo permission.  Most reading this will already have noted the Compass post that was sent out to parents/carers on Monday.  Rather than the previous system, where parents were provided the opportunity (and encouraged) at the beginning of primary school to provide permission for their children to be included in school videos and photos, this provides parents/carers with an annual ‘opt out’ option.  As we love to share pictures and videos of grade experiences and student achievements, we are hopeful that the vast majority of families will choose the ‘do nothing’ option to enable their children to be featured whenever there is a class photo or video opportunity.


In Other News…

Specialist Program changes this year 

This year a part time Library specialist class will be provided by Heather Patterson.  The remainder of her teaching role will be a continuation of her Tutor Learning Initiative role.  Our specialist music program will be provided to grades on a semester basis at a minimum.  We were pleased to retain Jane McCracken in this role at an increased .8 time fraction. We anticipate that Jane will provide the program within the dedicated music specialist space in the Gecko. Each year level will be able to have music for at least a Semester this year. At some stage either late this year or at the beginning of 2025 we will lose access to this area as it will be cordoned off and then demolished in order to make space for our new gymnasium, music and food tech development.  This will require Jane to teach an amended music program within classrooms.  The access to quality music specialists, as well as the building development has driven our decision to maintain a reduced but high quality music program for all.  Our new Italian language teacher, Federica Mancusi will now start her .6 program from the beginning of week 4.  In the meantime, we are pleased that Shannon Mason will assist by running a 3 week E Safety program across the school.


Digital Technologies Acceptable Use Agreement

Digital Technologies Acceptable Use Agreement - It is now an annual Department of Education requirement for a student and parent/carer signed AU agreement prior to student access.  Shannon has started this with grades this week.  Please look out for your child to bring their agreement home for parents to sign.  No students will be allowed any internet access until the return of the signed agreement.


Swimming Trials

Swimming trials are always held at the start of the school year (tomorrow), so we understand there is little time for families to respond to the Compass post seeking capable middle and senior school swimmers.  The team will be formed following the trials and will compete at the Footscray Primary Schools’ Sport District on Friday of next week.  


Incursion, excursion and camp booking deadlines

With a significant number of events held early in the school year, we have tried to prepare planning very well in advance in order to provide Compass posts with booking details well in advance.  For instance the grade 1 and 2 swimming (weeks 4 and 5), the grade 3 Zoo Snooze overnight camps (weeks 4 and 5) and the grade 4 overnight camp to Campaspe Down (week 7) all were posted and required early booking.  We understand that the timing is challenging - it is for us too, however as we have sought to provide camps for single grade levels outside the winter months it necessitates some bookings in term 1.  We will continue to do our level best to provide ample knowledge of upcoming events, especially ones that incur (substantial) costs for families.  Should you find yourself in a situation where you are unable to afford for your child to attend an upcoming event, please contact a member of the principal team so we can respectfully discuss what we can do to assist.


Grade 1 and 2 Swimming 

Swimming Lessons will be held in weeks 4 and 5 of this term.  There has been unprecedented demand this year and our program maximises the Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre’s capacity.  Due to the logistics and OH&S requirements, we are unable to extend the current program beyond this figure. We understand that a number of families felt the disappointment of missing out. We are currently liaising with MAC to check availability for another time during the year for those who missed out on a place this time. Whilst there are no guarantees, we will do our best to accommodate if we are able. Affected families will receive a specific email about this early tomorrow morning.


For all families who are booking Compass events it is very important that all steps in booking are completed.  We have had a couple of examples where parents/carers have not completed the process and were under the impression that a place had been reserved.  Please ensure you complete each step of the process.


Current Covid Advice

While like you all I so wish this was completely behind us, however it is a reality we will need to continue to manage collaboratively.  


I have included recent Department of Health information below:


As there has been an increase in community transmission of COVID-19 in Victoria. You can help us keep our school as safe as possible by taking 2 important steps:

  1. Ensure your COVID-19 vaccinations are up to date. Information on how and where to get vaccinated is available on the Get vaccinated webpage.
  2. If your child shows symptoms of COVID-19, please ensure they stay home and get tested. The easiest way to test is to use a rapid antigen test (RAT).

    Free RATs are available from your local council where you can collect 2 packs of 5 RATs and an extra 2 packs for each person in your household. People with disability and their carers can get 4 packs of 5 RATs. You are not required to have a Medicare card and you can collect RATs as many times as you need. You can also buy RATs at supermarkets, pharmacies and other retailers.

    If your child has symptoms but tests negative, please ensure they stay home until they no longer have symptoms.

    If the RAT test result is positive, please ensure they say home for at least 5 days and until there are no more symptoms.

Coming up…


Term 1 will be a very busy term for events at FWPS.  We have the following coming up:

  • Curriculum day - Monday, 12th February. See details (above).
  • Parent/Carer Information Sharing Forums - Will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday of week 3.  The P-2 appointments will be on Tuesday, 13th and the 3-6 appointments on Wednesday, 14th February (with the exception of 5LW as due to a prior commitment, Lee will meet parents and carers of 5LW students on Wednesday 7th February).  These dates will be clearly defined within the booking process.

    A Compass information post sent tomorrow will provide all families with a link to book a timeslot either in person or via WebEx.  
  • School photo day - Arthur Reed Photography will be onsite on the Thursday of week 3 (15th February).  This information will be provided through a Compass post next week. The main information is also included in today’s newsletter on the Coming Up at FWPS page.

    We hold our photo day early in the year in order to capture start of year prep memories. You can help by trying to avoid student appointments or having some flexibility where they are necessary.  While genuine illness cannot be avoided, it really is a day when ideally everyone is at school.

    This year we will be taking photos of all our student representatives: Senior school captains, Junior School Council, Marrung representatives and the Environment Team.

    An opportunity for families to attend straight after school for family photos will also be included.

    Please carefully read the information that is posted to assist us in having a successful photo day.
  • Soundgarage - Our popular outsourced music program returns from next week.  Please see the item from Maddie Owen in Soundgarage News in today’s newsletter.
  • Grade 3 Zoo Snooze overnight camps.

Annual Reminders 

  • Curriculum Contributions - A parent/carer payment contribution Compass post has been forwarded to all families today and will be sitting near the top of your Compass tab.  We would appreciate your support in making this payment for each of your children as soon as possible.
  • A reminder that the car park is open prior to 8 am and after 4 pm daily for parent access for the Their Care OSHC program.  At other times please appreciate that the car park is for staff use.  Should you need to walk through to the Their Care location at Emu Corner, for safety’s sake we ask that you use the pedestrian gate next to the boom gate and make your way between Koala and the Wallaby buildings past Gecko via the basketball court through to Emu Corner.
  • School Council membership information - Each year we provide the opportunity for interested parents and staff members to consider joining our School Council.  We have a fine School Council team presently and are hopeful that current members who have completed a term and remain eligible will renominate for this year.  We may have opportunities for new members to join as well.  Please contact me via the office if you wish to chat about this.




