Pupil of the Week
Award winners for this week
Pupil of the Week
Award winners for this week
Akoi | 1JI | For continually showing the School Values and taking care to complete tasks with her best effort. Superb Akoi! |
Kyia | 1LE | For working hard to sound out words. Keep up the great effort Kyia. |
Lucas | 1LJ | For always showing kindness and respect to your classmates. Thank you Lucas! |
Olivia | 1MM | For consistently showing respectful, attentive listening and being a role model to your friends in 1MM. Well done Olivia! |
Sidney | 2AM | For consistently showing respectful behaviour trying your best and being a kind friend to your classmates. Amazing effort Sid! |
Braxton | 2BG | For demonstrating resilience and perseverance when working on tasks in class. You are a champion Braxton! |
Mayiik | 2CW | For helping to create a welcoming environment in 2CW by making sure everyone feels included and valued. Keep it up, Mayiik! |
Leo | 2EP | For settling into the FWPS community and showing enthusiasm towards learning our school values. We are lucky to have you in 2EP! |
Evie | 2TN | For showing resilience and a growth mindset by applying your personal best to finish your writing task and not giving up. Fantastic effort Evie! |
Jayden | 3CG | For demonstrating responsibility and respect on camp. It was brilliant to see your fantastic choices and attentive listening Jayden! |
James | 3DM | For consistently showing respectful behaviour, trying your best and being a kind friend to all classmates. Awesome work James! |
Polly | 3MP | For working to your personal best level to write an engaging narrative. Well done Polly! |
Archie | 3TM | For your positive attitude and enthusiasm for learning. Archie, you set an excellent example to the rest of the class! |
Asha | 4CL | For consistently displaying a positive attitude towards your learning and showing kindness to each member of 4CL. |
Aarna | 4LW | For the responsibility she has shown during lesson introductions. |
Eva | 4MK | For always showing respect and responsibility in the classroom. You are a role model to your peers Eva. Well done! |
Sefina | 4TF | For the enthusiasm and growth mindset she applies to all learning areas. Great start to the year, Sefina! |
Charlie | 5DW | For showing great responsibility for your own learning and for making mature decisions in the classroom. Well done! |
Gigi | 5HL | For listening attentively, speaking kindly, and treating others with care. Your thoughtful actions help create a positive and inclusive classroom. |
Jayden | 5TC | For being resilient to complete his maths work to a high standard and taking on feedback to improve. Well done, Jayden! |
Madison | 6MA | For her willingness to actively engage in all classroom activities. Keep up the great work, Madi! |
Lourdes | 6MI | For being a respectful and responsible learner. Your consistent positive behaviour makes you a role model for others. Keep it up! |
Finn | 6ML | For showing kindness and being considerate of your classmates. Great to see, Finn! |
Seb | Principal's Award | For the respect and responsibility you show in every situation. You are a credit to the school community, Seb! |
Aster in 3TM | TheirCare Award | For always showing kindness to others and including everyone in group games at TheirCare. Well done Aster! |
Gigi in 5HL | Specialist Award | For your insightful contributions to our discussions of various friendship styles have been invaluable. |