Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

Akoi 1JIFor continually showing the School Values and taking care to complete tasks with her best effort. Superb Akoi!
Kyia 1LEFor working hard to sound out words. Keep up the great effort Kyia.
Lucas 1LJFor always showing kindness and respect to your classmates. Thank you Lucas!
Olivia 1MMFor consistently showing respectful, attentive listening and being a role model to your friends in 1MM. Well done Olivia!
Sidney 2AMFor consistently showing respectful behaviour trying your best and being a kind friend to your classmates. Amazing effort Sid!
Braxton 2BGFor demonstrating resilience and perseverance when working on tasks in class. You are a champion Braxton! 
Mayiik 2CWFor helping to create a welcoming environment in 2CW by making sure everyone feels included and valued. Keep it up, Mayiik! 
Leo 2EPFor settling into the FWPS community and showing enthusiasm towards learning our school values. We are lucky to have you in 2EP!
Evie 2TNFor showing resilience and a growth mindset by applying your personal best to finish your writing task and not giving up. Fantastic effort Evie!
Jayden 3CGFor demonstrating responsibility and respect on camp. It was brilliant to see your fantastic choices and attentive listening Jayden! 
James 3DMFor consistently showing respectful behaviour, trying your best and being a kind friend to all classmates. Awesome work James!
Polly 3MPFor working to your personal best level to write an engaging narrative. Well done Polly!
Archie 3TMFor your positive attitude and enthusiasm for learning. Archie, you set an excellent example to the rest of the class!
Asha 4CLFor consistently displaying a positive attitude towards your learning and showing kindness to each member of 4CL.
Aarna  4LWFor the responsibility she has shown during lesson introductions.
Eva 4MKFor always showing respect and responsibility in the classroom. You are a role model to your peers Eva. Well done!
Sefina 4TFFor the enthusiasm and growth mindset she applies to all learning areas. Great start to the year, Sefina!
Charlie 5DWFor showing great responsibility for your own learning and for making mature decisions in the classroom. Well done!
Gigi 5HLFor listening attentively, speaking kindly, and treating others with care. Your thoughtful actions help create a positive and inclusive classroom.
Jayden 5TCFor being resilient to complete his maths work to a high standard and taking on feedback to improve. Well done, Jayden!
Madison 6MAFor her willingness to actively engage in all classroom activities. Keep up the great work, Madi!
Lourdes 6MIFor being a respectful and responsible learner. Your consistent positive behaviour makes you a role model for others. Keep it up!
Finn 6MLFor showing kindness and being considerate of your classmates. Great to see, Finn!
Seb Principal's AwardFor the respect and responsibility you show in every situation. You are a credit to the school community, Seb!
Aster in 3TMTheirCare AwardFor always showing kindness to others and including everyone in group games at TheirCare. Well done Aster!
Gigi in 5HLSpecialist AwardFor your insightful contributions to our discussions of various friendship styles have been invaluable.