Education News
Health and Wellbeing
Welcome to Term 1 and the first Health and Wellbeing update of the year.
Hi, I’m Elisha, the Assistant Principal at MPWPS, as well as the Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader. A part of my role is to embed evidence-based training and resources across the school to ensure that we are best supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all students.
As part of my role, I also:
- Lead the Disability Inclusion reform
- Provide support to classroom teachers to identify students in need
- Establish clear pathways for student assessment referrals
- Liaise with colleagues to strengthen links between school and external services
- Implement whole school approaches to mental health and wellbeing
- Facilitate Student Support Group meetings and support Individual Education Plan goals
If you have any questions about health and wellbeing at MPWPS, please feel free to come and see me, phone me at the school, or send me an email on
Respectful Relationships is an initiative to support schools to promote and model respect and equality across the entire school community, and is a core component of the Victorian Curriculum. Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships is a suite of age-appropriate teaching and learning materials that is utilised to teach students how to build healthy relationships and develop resilience and confidence.
The topics for Term 1 are:
- Topic 1: Emotional Literacy
- Topic 2: Personal Strengths
You may like to brainstorm with your child some of the times they feel the emotions listed in the table, and have a discussion about the strategies they have to manage these emotions.
Elisha Katsonis
Assistant Principal
Classroom Helpers Course
Now the year is underway, we would like to start inviting parents who would like to become classroom helpers to have the opportunity to volunteer their support. It is important to note that classroom helpers need to have a current Working with Children’s Check and have read the induction document attached to be aware of the expectations of supporting in the classroom, particularly around privacy. We will be holding a face-to-face session for parents on Wednesday 28th February in the staffroom with Elisha Katsonis.
We hope this opportunity provides a chance for parents to build stronger partnerships with the school.
Year 6-7 Transition