Performing Arts

Ms Monique Allen, Head of Drama

House Theatre Sports Competition

Well done to the competitors in yesterday’s first round of the House Theatre Sports Competition. Our wonderful judges Mrs Samantha Bashford-Leger and Mr Tim Snibson had a very challenging task separating the outstanding performances and were blown away by the talent on show. 


In Section 1, participants had to create engaging freezeframes depicting a range of different scenarios. In Section 2, volunteers from each house had to improvise a scene while “changing” their responses each time “change” was called. This was definitely a highlight of the event as actors demonstrated focus and quick thinking skills to progress their scenes. 


The competition continues next Thursday, 7 March at lunch time, in the new Ensemble Room in the PAC. We welcome new competitors in Round 2 where we will find out the winning house!

St Pat’s Got Talent: Auditions 2024 

Edmund Rice Day is one of the highlights on the SPC calendar. On this day we come together as a school community to unearth new talents; singing, dancing, acting, rubix-cube solving… the range of talents presented are diverse!

If you’re interested in auditioning for St Pat’s Got Talent in 2024, please fill out this registration form and an audition time will be emailed to you: