Pastoral Care & Wellbeing

Mr Kevin Robillard - Assistant Principal Pastoral Care & Wellbeing

At the midpoint of Term 1, it has been great to see the year start on a positive note. One area of focus this year has been to ensure parents have opportunities to come into the College to get information on programs, meet the staff educating their boys, and to ensure our first conversations with all parents are positive ones. This focus continues next week with the Year 9 Rite Journey Calling and Departure Ceremony. 

Year 9 Rite Journey 

In a world of constant change and challenge, teenagers often find themselves navigating a complex path to adulthood. The Rite Journey program offers a transformative experience, providing our Year 9 students with valuable tools and insights as they journey through adolescence.


Rooted in the concept of a “rite of passage,” the program focuses on personal development, self-discovery, and building meaningful connections. Through a series of workshops, activities, and reflections, students explore important themes such as identity, relationships, and purpose.


On Tuesday, 5 March, our Year 9 team is hosting an evening that is the symbolic start of this journey. A significant adult is invited to join in the evening activities. This is highlighted by an exchange of letters, time to connect, and a symbolic fire ceremony. The Rite Journey program is more than just a school curriculum; it is a life-changing experience that equips today’s teens with the skills and mindset needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.

School TV

St Patrick’s College is proud to partner with School TV, a leading provider of resources for supporting the parenting of young people. Our goal is to provide parents, and our school community, with valuable insights and tips to navigate the challenges of raising adolescents. Through future Crest articles, we will feature expert advice on topics such as mental health, cyber safety, resilience, and more. You can access SchoolTV via the home page of our website or by visiting St Patrick's College School TV.

Raising Boys

As an introduction to School TV I would like to direct you to the web link below on Raising Boys. 


“A boys behaviour is learnt through watching their father or other male role models. His Physical maturity is at odds with his mental and brain development. Although he may look like a mature young man at 16, he doesn’t yet think like one” 

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. 


Raising boys can be a rewarding yet challenging experience. Boys often have boundless energy and a natural curiosity about the world around them. As parents, it’s important to provide them with guidance and support as they navigate their way through childhood and adolescence. 


For more insight and evidence backed advice on raising boys, please visit 

Raising Boys | St Patrick's College - Ballarat ( Here you'll find short videos and articles about the importance of boys having positive male role models, issues that boys face in society today, what can parents do to help boys develop positive life habits and much more.