Music News

Music Teachers: Jane McCracken 

Music Room Overview – Term 3


For the preps, term 3 in the music room has so far been about learning routines and how to take care of the equipment and each other. So far, we have been playing on ukuleles, clap sticks and shakers, as well as singing and moving our bodies to the music. We have been responding to low and high sounds, soft and loud music, and fast and slow tempos while learning lots of new and familiar songs including Mr Clickety Cane, Inanay, and Flea, with more to come!


Year 1

It’s been so good to have the year 1s back in the music room this term. They have revised some of the ukulele skills hey developed in prep, while learning to accompany their singing on different songs. We have revised C chord and are now getting two fingers pressing for F chord. So far, we have played and sung Two Men, and Hey Everybody.

We are focussing on listening to each other and feeling a common beat by learning handclap games and chants, starting with Miss Mary Mack. As we get further into the term we will also learn to play these songs on our classroom instruments including keyboards and percussion.


Year 2

In 2BL and 2MM we have started term 3 with developing skills on the recorder. We are learning to make beautiful Bs, As and Gs, as well as developing essential skills like breath control, fine motor skills and recognising notes on a music stave. 


In 2TF, 2CW and 2DK we have been breaking down the skills required to play Eye of the Tiger on keyboards, drums and guitars or ukuleles. We have been learning the riff on all the instruments and having the opportunity to compose our own songs using the notes we are learning about.


All of the year 2s have also been learning to sing and dance a song from the Torres Straight Islands called Sesere Eeye about a kingfisher diving into the water to catch a fish. In future weeks we will be picking so items to rehearse and perform at a very special event coming up at the end of term 3!


Year 3 & 4

In term 3, the year 3s and 4s are doing deep dives into the songs voted on in term 2. We are exploring the rhythms with body percussion and beatboxing. All students are learning the bassline or riff on multiple instruments, as well as the chord progressions. As well as rehearsing for a performance at the end of the term, students will have the opportunity to create their own compositions using the notes, chords, and rhythms we are focussing on, as our aim is to develop confidence in both our creativity and technical music skills. We have also been focussing on developing our singing voices and our ability as a group to sing different things at the same time by learning vocal warm ups and short songs that can be sung as rounds.