LOTE Italian News

Italian Teachers: Federica Mancusi & Kerrie Ahrens 

Term 3 in Italian

Ciao FWPS Community! 


This term we are still speaking Italiano!


Fino ad ora abbiamo imparato molte cose in Italiano! È stato fantastico! 

  • Preps: We are adding body parts to our vocabulary, learning days of the week and Italian facts, like the story of Pinocchio.
  • Year 1 and 2: We are revising concepts taught last year. We now have a Language Passport and we are travelling around Italy learning about the Italian culture and basic words.
  • Year 3 and 4: We are learning about bigger numbers beyond 30 and using euro. We are expanding the vocabulary involved with Italian food, especially breakfast.
  • Year 5 and 6: We will move from “La scuola” (the school) to “La casa” (the house). Students will be given a budget to design their own room or house using technology.

Non vediamo l’ora di passare un altro bellissimo semestre insieme! 


Grazie a tutti, e…

Happy activities/Buon Lavoro!


The Italian Team

Kerrie & Federica