TheirCare News

Hi parents, guardians, staff, and friends!
Welcome to Week 3 of Term 3!
Week 3 is almost done and dusted. Did anyone else feel like this week went very quickly? This week at Their Care our weekly theme was ‘Animals’. During the mornings and the afternoons children have been very busy creating their own elephants, monkeys and pandas out of these cool paper templates. The children have loved creating their own cool and unique animals and showcasing their imagination and talent. Children have also loved taking part in our new crossword competitions and word searches. The fan favourite game in the morning this week has been the card game spoons. Introduced by one of our year 3s, spoons has made the mornings very interesting with all year levels competing with each other even along with staff who sometimes can be even more competitive than the kids.
The children were very spoilt this week with Angie purchasing some new resources. Children have been able to play with a new kitchen and doll house and even a new karaoke microphone which has seen some children step outside their comfort zone and sing their favourite song to their friends and staff. Of course, like every other week, sports are still the most popular but lately children have been loving Gaga Ball. On Tuesday afternoon over 15 children were competing in the Gaga Pit against all age groups which is great to see.
We would like to remind all Prep parents that our lovely little TheirCare preps are now walking to TheirCare on their own and at 3:20 when the bell goes. Most of the preps have loved this newfound independence and it is great to see them taking this new step with such positivity and maturity.
We would like to remind parents about making sure that they are cancelling their children in the mornings and afternoons if choosing not to use the service. In terms of late book-ins. It would be greatly appreciated that when booking children in late in the afternoon that you notify us so that we can add them to the list and also notify the school so that children are aware of where they are going and do not get upset or confused. As always we appreciate the support.
This week’s Pupil of the Week is June Reilly for always caring for others and making sure her friends and other children are okay when hurt. Well done, June! You should be so proud of yourself. 😊
For all families – if you have any questions about TheirCare and would like to come and have a chat, please come and visit us in Emu Corner in the morning and afternoon. Alternatively, you can contact us on the details provided and we will be happy to help you.😊
TheirCare Team
Angie, Ashleigh, Dhaval, Marie, Lezley, Charlotte & Zayneb
Contact Details:
Service Phone: 0487 004 072
Service Email:
Head Office: 1300 072 410