FWPS Parents Association

Father’s Day / Special Person’s Day Stall
Plans are underway for our Father’s Day / Special Person’s Day stall to be held on Friday, 30th August. To kick off the planning, we are seeking any donations such as plants, books or other gift items. Donations are welcome at the office at any time.
Get in early and volunteer for stall day! If you would like to get involved in setting up the stall on Thursday, 29th August, or staffing the stall on Friday 30th August. Please sign up via the following link.
Sign up here: VolunteerSignup - Father's Day Stall 2024 signup sheet
*All volunteers must have a Working with Children Check and have completed the school’s Volunteer Induction Course.
Uniform Shop
The next opening of the uniform shop will be after school on Tuesday, 6 August from 3:10pm - 3:40pm. Remember you can purchase FWPS beanies and drop off donations of quality uniforms at the office anytime.
As always, if you have any questions, comments or ideas you can get in touch by emailing us at FWPSParentsAssociation@outlook.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
Trivia Night
With thanks,
Footscray West Primary School Parents Association
Please check out our Facebook Page: FWPSParentsAssociation@outlook.com