Principal's message
National Reconciliation Week May 27th - June 3rd
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
At Peakhurst PS we will be engaging in learning experiences to explore reconciliation throughout the week and creating a visual display of hands at the front of the school.
Student Toilet Upgrades
Our senior toilets were opened today and accessible to students. The new facilities are outstanding with Dyson hand dryers and mirrors to complete the look. I am seeking families to assist the staff by talking to your children about the importance of respecting the new facilities to maintain them in good condition.
Road Safety Around Schools
I have noticed Bailey Pde and Greenland Ave are narrow, busy road ways around our school. At our recent P&C meeting there was concern regarding the safety of our children during school drop off and pick up times. Here are some friendly reminders on how to keep our children safe.
Kiss and drop zone
Safety tips for drivers:
- always follow our school’s procedures
- remain in your vehicle at all times in the kiss and drop zone.
- make sure children use the Safety Door to get in and out of the car.
Driving and parking safely near your school
You can help keep our children safe by:
- dropping your child off and picking them up on the school side of the road
- never calling out to them from across the road - it is very dangerous
- parking responsibly even if it means you have to walk further to the school gate
- avoid parking in or across driveways blocking the footpath.
Choose a safe crossing
Lead by example and choose a safe place to cross the road. Stop, Look, Listen, Think every time you cross the road. Discuss this important road safety message with your family.
STOP! - one step back from the kerb.
LOOK! - continuously both ways.
LISTEN! - for the sounds of approaching traffic.
THINK! - whether it is safe to cross.
Dennis is our Crossing Supervisor to assist students and families in Bailey Pde cross the road safely.
Cross Country
Thank you to Miss Kostoglou and Mr Kikilas for the organisation of the Cross Country carnivals. Unfortunately due to the weather our K-2 carnival was unable to be held. Our 3-6 students forged forward and competed at school to ensure we were able to have eligible students to represent PPS at the District Cross Country held this week. I had the pleasure to watch the 12yr old boys and girls compete at Gannons Park, and was very impressed to see the grit and determination from our students competing. Congratulations to our three students who qualified to represent Georges River PSSA at the Sydney East Cross Country in June.
Advice for Families
As we approach the winter months there is an anticipated increase in student illness with colds and flu. These are friendly reminders in reducing the transmission of illness:
- staying home until you are well and symptom free
- practicing good hygiene including regular hand washing
- maintaining natural ventilation
Students, staff and visitors should only attend school when feeling well and symptom-free.
Mrs Bentley