Principal's News

Prayer: For Leaders
Lord, we pray for our leaders to be filled with Your wisdom and discernment,
guiding them in their decision-making processes and enabling them to navigate the complexities of their roles with clarity and insight.
Grant them the humility to seek Your guidance in all matters, acknowledging their dependence on You for direction and wisdom.
Dear Families,
Each week seems to be disappearing faster than the last as we squeeze in all the usual learning along with the many extra activities we have at Trinity. This week for example we will also have had our Father's Day stall and breakfast, our Book Fair, a visit from our friends at Yarraberg Kindergarden as well as many school tours to meet with our new students who will be starting Prep next year. It is of course very exciting to be doing all of these things and I thank all those involved in making sure we are always able to offer so much for our children. Today and tomorrow a number of willing parent volunteers will ensure our Father's and Special Person presents are ready for purchase as well as our Father's Day beakfast which I am sure will be a great success tomorrow. A reminder to all our dads and special father figures to drop in tomorrow morning from 8am in the school library.
Fr Trung - Faith Formation
A special thank you to Fr Trung who lead a Faith Formation session for our staff after school today. This was an important part of each teachers and school leaders's personal faith journey and helps to build the capacity of each of us when teaching children and enabling them to explore their own faith and understandings of being people who are able to follow in the footseps of Jesus.
Faith Formation -The Pilgrim's Progress
On Tuesday evening Ms Marinelli and I were fortunate enough to attend a MACS Faith Formation event, The Pilgrim's Progress. Our own Dr Nigel Zimmermann, Director of Catholic Mission and Identity, introduced us to Fr Steven Wang who led us on a journey to explore the experiences of his own pilgrimages and posed questions for us to reflect on how we are pilgrim people.
Year 5/6 Class Mass
On Sunday 15th September we will be having a class mass as part of ther usual Sunday 11am Mass at St James Church. We would love all our Year 5/6 families and of course any others to attend this special celebration. We will share more information closer to the date.
Fathers and Special Person's Day
Looking forward to seeing you all in the morning and don't forget our Father's Day Stall will be open again tomorrow morning.
School Closure Day
On Friday 20th September there will be a student free day to enable staff to participate in a full day of faith formation and professional learning. Our program will take place at Xavier College and will be led by MACS Staff to build staff knowledge and understandings as teachers in a Catholic School. Friday would normally be the last day of term and students would be finishing at 1:35pm, therefore our last day of term 3 will be Thursday 19th September but will be a full day finishing at the normal time of 3:15pm.
WhatsApp Groups
Earlier today I sent an email regarding our new class WhatsApp groups which we hope will assist in keeping parents up to date with what's on in each class. Our class reps will monitor these chat groups to ensure they are used for the purpose set out in our guidelines and codes of conduct. We appreciate the need for parents to be able to communicate with each other and hope that these can remain a positive platform by which to do so. I remind all parents that your child's teacher of one of the school leaders should always be a first port of call if you have any serious concerns or issues you need to address.
This Monday morning I was very pleased to acknowledge the great effort our children seem to be making to wear their correct school uniform. Particularly in regard to shoes and socks. I thank you as parents for ensuring your children are in the correct uniform each day keeping coloured runners and sports uniforms for the appropriate days.
Building Grant Update
As you are aware, earlier this year we applied for a government grant for school building projects. The grants were given in different catergories and we were successfull in receiving $2.4 million in the refurbishment category which was the largest amount available in that category. We have recently met with MACS planning and infrastructure to determine our next steps. The work to be carried out will be part of the School's Master Plan which was first developed on 2019. The Master Plan comprises three stages with stage 1 divided into Part A and Part B. It is our hope that with the money available we will be able to complete Part A which will enable a refurbishment of part of our ground floor including the existing staffroom, classrooms and weellbeing areas.
Please join us for a decade of the Rosary next Friday September 6th in St James Church from 8:15am.
School Production: Calling all SuperHeroes - From Ms Stanton.
Tickets going on sale this Friday from 5pm. For all the information regarding our school concert please read Ms Stanton's page in this weeks newsletter. Costumes, Tickets Times etc. We are expecting a full house so don't miss out.
PDF Version here.
If you need help in sourcing an item for your child's costume or have any questions, please reach out to your child's classroom teacher or myself and we will assist you!
Thank you,
Ms. Stanton
Kind regards,
Uniforms - Second Hand Uniform donations needed:
If your kids have grown out of their (new style) uniforms, please consider donating to the secondhand “shop”.
We only have a few items left after the sale last term and so we would love to replenish our stocks.
You are welcome to drop them off to the office.
Thanks so much!
There are many important events throughout the term so please keep an eye on the school calendar.
Secondary Schools - St Mary's College- BOOK A TOUR HERE
Playgroup @ Trinity Primary School
We encourage all those with pre-school children aged 0-6 years to attend these wonderful sessions.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send Ms Kate Foley an email.
- Dance Factory - Dance Classes
- EXTEND - Out of Hours School Care
- FC Melbourne X Strike Soccer Local soccer club in Richmond
Get in contact to learn more! Join our exciting club teams in 2024
text or call 0405 765 943 - First Year Registration is FREE
Nigel Rodrigues