Grade 3

3A Ms. Susan Winter

3B Ms. Janine Ceola

Education Support: Anastasia Dimartino,  Kim Fong 


Term 3 Week 5 Newsletter Grade 3

What a busy start we have had to the term! The students started the term with the swimming program in weeks 2 and 3. This was a great learning experience for all students that attended. As part of our discovery topic, students have been learning about special landmarks in Australia as well as how to use maps. They’ve enjoyed reading and writing about Olympic athletes and some of the countries that compete in the Olympics. The students created their own potato olympic athlete which they wrote about and decorated.  Their potato athlete will compete in some “potato” Olympic events as part of our Maths lessons next week. We have started our Money topic this week, so we encourage you to talk with your students about money and get them involved checking the change when you go shopping.