Prep & Grade 1 

Prep A - Ms. Vicky Tsiaras                   Prep/1B - Ms. Tiffany Dean

1C – Mr Mathew Allen                            1D Ms. Lara Isik

Education Support:  Michelle G, Jules De Angelis

Newsletter item – Prep/Year 1

100 Days of School

We held our 100 Days of School on Friday 26th July. It was a fabulous day with a buzz of excitement and wobbly knees from our little old people on the day. Not only did we celebrate being at school for the milestone, but we also incorporated activities focusing on 100 throughout our day. Students showed off their counting skills, beading skills and creativity throughout the rotational activities. Students were even able to work with their buddies for a session together. Finishing off with a splendid lunch of hot chips and tomato sauce and special flavoured milk, trying to keep our tired legs from buckling in our parade at assembly at the end of the day.

Some highlights from our little old people were:


Lottie: Dressing up as a nana.


Alannah: The parade at assembly.


Darcy: Making a fruit loop and cheerio necklace and getting to eat it!


Ollie: When we went to assembly, and we did the parade.


Lucas: Having chips for lunch.


Ivy: Making the highest tower with the cups.


Millie: Decorating the cookies.


Zara: The parade at assembly.


Zoe: My favourite was making necklaces with 100 fruit loops.


Hektor: I liked when I made the cookies because they were yummy. 


Izaiah: My favourite was making cookies and putting icing and a 100 on top.