Principal's Report

      Principal: Sherrin Strathairn - Ms. Strath

Assistant Principal:  Julie Dunn - Ms. Dunn

Business Manager:  Ankit Dhingra

Office Manager:  Jodie Russell

First Aid/ Admin: Susie Hull

New Staff members

This term we have welcomed three new staff members to our wonderful school. Ms Sarah Lancaster and Ms Alyce Tabb are working together in Prep A and our preps are truly blossoming this term.

Ms Chili Mitchell has joined us in 1D as Ms Lara is taking extended leave due to ill health. The students in 1D are very settled and have coped with the change of staff admirably. 


Staff changes

While I am aware that the community are concerned about the turnover of staff, this is quite normal post-COVID. In the past, many teachers stayed at their original school as it was difficult to pick up jobs when there were so many teachers in Victoria. This was particularly the case if teachers had secured permanent, and not contract, work. 

With the current shortage of teachers in Victoria it has become much easier to change schools and keep permanent roles. COVID also had a lot of teachers re-evaluating their lives and the work-life balance that they had during COVID, compared to the workload now. Many young teachers are only staying in the role for three to five years, and some, even less than this.

Teaching, though extremely rewarding, is not a 9 to 5 job. Many of our teachers work a 50+ hour week, with many late nights working at home. It is truly a vocation, not a job.

I know you join me in supporting our teachers and thanking them for the long hours they work and the way in which they nurture our students. 



Earlier in the term our students participated in a six-day swimming program. Our students enjoyed going along to Water Marc with their classmates and teachers to practice their swimming skills. For the first time in quite a number of years our prep students also participated, and it was fantastic to see how excited they were to join in the fun.


100 days of school

Congratulations to our Prep and year one students and their teachers who participated in 100 days of school on July 26. The students spent the day engaging in many activities and enjoyed a lunch of hot chips and flavoured milk together at lunch time. Activities included working in a group to build a tower with 100 cups, making a necklace with 100 fruit loops and cheerios, and making a crown for the 100 days celebration. 

In the afternoon at assembly the students and their teachers paraded in their classes to show us their wonderful costumes. 

We are proud of our prep and year one students and how far they have come this year. Here’s to the next 100 days!


Kindy Program

Our Kindy transition program is well underway with our new little people already participating in Kindy PE and Kindy Music. 

Kindy Art will be held on Monday 19th of August and we invite any children starting school in 2025 to attend. Parents need to accompany their children to these sessions.


Principal’s Day

Friday 2 August is recognised as Principal’s Day. We believe that we have an incredible group of staff here at Bundoora Primary School who continue to support each other in making the learning opportunities such as rewarding experience for our students. Our Principal class staff include our Assistant Principal, Julie Dunn, who works very hard to support and enhance my work in leading the school.

I was very lucky to enjoy a wonderful Principal’s Day with our students and staff. I received many handmade cards, letters, and works of art that our students and their teachers prepared for me. These now adorn my walls, making me feel warm and fuzzy every time I look at them.

We also enjoyed a beautiful morning tea together as a staff team. I am very grateful to work at Bundoora Primary School and count myself as lucky to work with this community.


Staff Professional Development

This year we have two main focuses of professional development for staff. These are mental health and wellbeing and mathematics.

Our curriculum day on Monday August 12th focused on helping staff to work with students with diverse, and often complication needs. On Monday we focused on learning strategies on how best to support students when they are overwhelmed or heightened, while keeping everyone safe. 

All staff members, from Office Staff to Education Support staff to Teachers worked in small groups to tackle this training and feedback from staff was positive. Being such a beautiful day, some groups even worked outside, and we all enjoyed a relaxing lunch together; something which is normally not possible.

On September 11th, classroom teachers will undertake more mathematics training with NJ Consulting before our Three Way-interview day.


Science Week morning tea

This week is science week, and our team of specialist teachers provided a special ‘science-themed’ morning tea for us. We have some very creative people on staff!



This week our students have participated in Athletics Day. On Thursday, the year 3 to 6 students undertook a variety of sports including, long jump, sprints, discus and shot put. Some of our year 3 to 6 students will progress through to District Athletics in a couple of weeks’ time.

On Friday morning, years prep to two participated in their own mini version of athletics day. Events included high jump, shot put (with a bean bag) and several other fun events. The morning culminated in us all cheering each other on in the sprints.

Thank you to the parents and friends who were able to come along and help or watch on the day. We understand that for many, working schedules do not allow parents to attend these events but we know your heart and spirits are with us.


Year 5/6 Musical

Mrs Newell and her very able cast have been working on the musical, “When I grow up”. Mrs Newell and the cast have given up many hours of their time after school, on weekends, and even during school holidays to prepare this wonderful show. We encourage everyone to come along tonight to Bundoora Secondary College to watch the performance. The show commences at 6 pm and will run until 7:30 pm.

The cast for the show includes:


Camps and Excursions

Later this term and during term three all our students will be invited to participate in various camps. Years 5 and 6 are going to Grantville in early September; Prep to year two have their activity day, dinner (years one and two only) and sleepover (year two only); years three and four will go to Sovereign Hill in October.

We understand that the pressures of the cost of living are making things like camps difficult, but we are pleased to offer various payment plans to our parents. CSEF can also be used if application deadlines have been met. 

If you need to access a payment plan, please contact Ankit Dhingra, our business manager, and he can explain how these work for you.


Academic competitions

Our season of academic competitions has begun with the Australian Maths Competition last week, and ICAS commencing this week. Several of our students have also participated in the Prime Ministers Spelling Bee. 

Many of these tests are very difficult and often aimed above the students’ actual year level. I wish all of our students who are participating well and congratulate them on extending themselves. 


Cyber Safety

Keeping our students safe online is a community responsibility. The ESafety Commissionaire Web page has many resources for parents to access. Topics covered include cyberbullying, online pornography, sending nudes and sexting, screen time balance, gaming, child grooming and unwanted contact, and ‘Are They Old Enough’ – advice for parents on determining the right age for their child to access different technologies.

Please don’t assume that because our students are still in primary school, they won’t be accessing this type of information for themselves. We know that they do, and if they don’t their friends may be sharing this type of information with them.

Recently we have heard of children as young as year four at our school telling their friends about various pornography websites to access. I urge you to educate yourself on how to tackle these subjects with your children, as once images like this are in their heads, it is impossible to erase them. It is easier to have a difficult conversation with our children than to try to undo the damage some ‘harmless’ viewing may cause. 

You can find these resources here: Parents | eSafety Commissioner


Signing students in and out at the office

Recently, we had one of our children go missing after school and I was required to call the police for his safety. 

To help us to keep students safe we ask that if different pick-up arrangements are made, or if you need to collect your child from school early, please give us a call to let us know so that we can make sure your child is ready with their school bag, and then sign them out at the office. Even at the end of the day, it is a good thing to pop your head into the office and let us know if a different pick-up arrangement has been made. This helps us to save our policing resources for real emergencies. 

If you are sending someone else to collect your child early from school, please ensure you email us at or call our office on 9467 2601 to notify us of the change of routine for that day. The person collecting your child will be required to show identification at our office and must be listed as one of your emergency contacts on our list. If you need to check or update your emergency contact list, please email or call the office on 9467 2601. All request to add or remove a contact must be in writing. 

If you arrive to our office as a parent to pick up during school hours and are asked for ID, please do not be offended, we have several staff who help in our office and if they have not met you before they are required to ask you for identification for the safety of our students. 


Students with Medical conditions

Thank you to the parents and carers that keep the school updated with children’s medical condition and plans. Each year the Department of Education requires that Asthma, Allergy, Anaphylaxis, Epilepsy, and Diabetes plans be updated. 

2024 action plans are kept in the school sick bay and triage areas so that the staff in the office and on triage duty can quickly treat and support your child if there is a need to do so. 

Please make sure that the medication you provide to the school matches your doctor, nurse practitioner, or pharmacist’s order; the medication which is written on the plan. It is also important to check that your child’s medication has not expired.  Please call our office on 9467 2601 and our staff will be happy to help. 

This is especially important when your child goes to camp.


Student Enrolment Census

Thank you to those parents who have edited and returned the Student Enrolment Forms. This form was sent to your primary email address that is on file on Compass. It is Department of Education policy that the Student Enrolment from is reissued to you in Terms 1 and 3 to maintain accurate information. Accurate contact information for each school is essential for the Department to provide emergency response and support when required. 

If you did not receive a copy of your information to review this term, please contact our office on 9467 2601.


Wishing you all a safe and warm weekend.


Kind regards,

Sherrin Strathairn
