From the Principal

28 March, 2024

Term 1 at POPS has been marked by wonderful moments and achievements.


As highlighted in the classroom pages this term, our students have demonstrated dedication and perseverance in their learning. Whether mastering mathematics skills, developing physical education abilities, exploring science, or showcasing creativity through writing, performing and art, each achievement speaks volumes about their diligence and determination.

POPS Harmony Day

Harmony Day highlighted our dedication to celebrating diversity and fostering inclusivity where every student feels valued. Students wearing cultural attire or orange showcased the emerging diversity and cultural backgrounds at our school, promoting understanding and friendship. The Poppy Tribes activity, led by our Year 6 leaders, showcased our school's sense of belonging.


Thank you

Our school's partnership with parents is exceptional. Your active involvement in school events, parent-teacher meetings, and volunteer opportunities is invaluable. Whether you're assisting during Pancake Day, the Colour Run, or simply offering words of encouragement, your presence enhances our students' educational experience and strengthens our school community.


Wonderful Community morning

Walk to School

Our dedicated staff members exemplify dedication and compassion. Beyond their roles, they serve as advocates and allies for our students, offering unwavering support and guidance every step of the way. Their commitment to student success permeates everything they do, fostering a nurturing and empowering environment for learning and growth. We are fortunate to have such an exceptional staff team at POPS.

Looking Ahead

As we look ahead to the next term, we anticipate even more opportunities for growth, learning, and collaboration. With the support of our dedicated teachers, staff, parents, and students, we're excited to continue nurturing the potential within each child and building a vibrant learning community where every individual thrives.


Wishing you all a restful and rejuvenating break. We look forward to seeing you refreshed and ready for another term of learning, laughter, and shared experiences.

Warrandyte Festival

The Warrandyte Festival runs from Friday, April 19 to Sunday, April 21. On Saturday, April 20, the POPS Senior Choir will perform on the main stage. Additionally, I'll join the parade with the Bendigo Bank to recognise their generous $25,000 grant for the Indigenous Sensory Garden, which is scheduled to start construction in early May. 

Have a great break,


Ms Garrity (Principal)


Foundation 2025 Enrolments

Our school is using an online system for new Foundation (Prep) enrolments to Victorian government schools, called VicStudents. 


To get started: 

  • Create an account and complete the online application form by Friday 26 July 2024. If you would prefer to submit a paper application form, please contact us.



Key Dates:

Monday April 15: Term 2 Begins (No assembly)

Saturday April 20: Senior Choir Performance- Warrandyte Festival

Wednesday April 24: POPS ANZAC Day Service 2:50 pm

Thursday April 25: ANZAC Day (No School)