Physical Education

This week in PE, with our House Athletics Day fast approaching (next Wednesday March 20th) both junior and senior school have continued to focus on athletics.  The main focus was learning how to run within your lane on our school's circular athletics track. 


The upper juniors and seniors have been learning how to participate in relays and passing the baton.



The weather forecast for our Athletics Day next Wednesday is only 19 deg C with some light rain. Not ideal, so please make sure your child has some wet weather protective clothing with them, as well as a drink bottle and some snacks. We will be walking back from Ballam Park Athletics track around 12.30, back at school for lunchtime. 

I look forward to seeing all our students in their house colours on this fun and exciting day, and hope to see as many parents as possible there in support of your child and our school.


CONGRAULTATIONS to Alice Huddy who has achieved incredible success over the last two weeks in State Athletics outside of school. Alice has won several gold and silver medals, and is now off to The National Championship later this year in Adelaide. All the best Alice, what a fantastic experience for you. All the best from all the staff and students.


Andy Craig

PE Teacher