From the Principal

Good morning everyone


The annual Yr 7 Meet ‘n Greet afternoon was held yesterday and it was lovely to see so many families. We continue to build positive relationships with our families to support our young people.  


I have invited all Yr 7 families and friends to an afternoon of fun and interactive activities. This will be held Tuesday 25th March. The College will be open and all areas will be on display. Hands on activities will be open to all. More information will be forthcoming. 


I would like to remind parents and community members we still have vacancies on school council. Please consider joining us. If you are interested in learning more, please don’t hesitate to ring Alli Betts, 59700200.


All Government schools have been asked to remind parents and carers of the privacy policy. This can be viewed within the College website Our Policies - Mornington Secondary College and more information can be found in this newsletter. 



I hope you have a wonderful week. 









Linda Stanton


Important Dates

Term 1 2025



Feb - Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th Year 12 Retreat - Golden Valley Flinders



Mar -Monday 3rd to Wednesday 5th Year 8 Camp 1 - Phillip Island

Mar -Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th Year 8 Camp 2 - Phillip Island

Mar - Thursday 6th Year 7 Disco

Mar - Monday 10th Labour Day Public Holiday

Mar - Tuesday 11th Whole School House Athletics Carnival

Mar - Wednesday 12th to Monday 24th Naplan

Mar - Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st Year 12 Murray River Paddle Camp

Mar - Tuesday 25th College Open Night

Mar - Thursday 27th Morrisby Profiling - Year 9

Mar - Monday 31st to Wednesday 2nd April Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp Otways

Mar - Monday 31st Year 7 Grandparents Morning Tea



Apr - Thursday 3rd Parent and Teacher Interviews - face to face

Apr - Friday 4th End of Term 1 - 2:30pm finish


Term 2 2025



Apr - Tuesday 22nd Term 2 commences 

Apr - Thursday 24th College Anzac Day Service 10:15am 

Apr - Friday 25th Anzac Day Public Holiday

Apr - Monday 28th to Wednesday 30th  Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp Otways


Middle School

Year 7 Meet & Greet Evening – Reflection


We had a very successful Year 7 Meet & Greet evening, welcoming our wonderful new families into our Year 7 precinct. It was a fantastic opportunity for parents to meet our dedicated teachers and explore the classrooms where their children are learning every day.


The response from parents was overwhelmingly positive and optimistic, with many expressing how smooth the transition to secondary school has been for their children. Throughout the evening, we shared all the fantastic opportunities available to our Year 7 students, highlighting the support and programs in place to help them thrive.

One of the most rewarding aspects of the night was seeing parents engaging in conversations, forming new connections, and building a strong sense of community. These relationships are vital as we work together to support each child’s learning and development.


A huge thank you to all our wonderful parents for attending and to our incredible staff and coordinators, whose dedication and hard work made the evening such a success!


We look forward to a fantastic year ahead.




Denise Leggett

Assistant Principal




Senior School

To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,


I hope you all had a fantastic week. It was a busy week in the Senior school with many classes now gearing up for their first SAC or assessment and a couple of subjects have already started. So as our students start preparing for these assessments


The forgetting curve and the impact on study for students


The challenge for ‘learning’ new information is transferring it from short term memory into long-term memory. The forgetting curve is a theory developed way back in 1885 by Herman Ebbinghaus and has been tested and proven in many peer-reviewed studies since. The basic crux of the theory is that when we learn new information, we start ‘forgetting’ it almost immediately. With intentional regularly spaced retrieval activities (active recall), the impact of that forgetting is lessened. The theory (shown below) recommends that learning is retrieved after 1 hour, 1 day and 1 week after initially learning that information. Testing has shown that after following that retrieval process, students retain up to 85% of the initial information.

The impact of this theory should be profound on our learners. Rather than cramming in the days before a SAC or test, students need to be retrieving/recalling this information on the day they learn and then next day and then the next week (and multiple times after that is also helpful). The retrieval (which is just another way of saying ‘revision’) can be done many ways but using memory initially. A mind map (which takes no more than 5-10 mins), flash cards/quizlet or a brain dump exercise (where students write everything they can remember about the topic they learned about) are all tools that are suitable for retrieval. Then students can fill in the blanks by looking at their notes. Combined with pre-reading before a new topic is introduced, this active retrieval strategy should be used by all students hoping to be successful in their VCE studies.



Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) for our VCE VM students


Our VCE VM program is designed to prepare students for entry into the workforce (or further education) straight after school, either through an apprenticeship, employment or TAFE. A major part of the program is the structured workplace learning (SWL) component where students gain an exemption from the fourth day of their VM classes (either the Wed or Friday where they currently have an integrated program) to attend their SWL. The aim is to have 100% of students in structured work placements by the end of term 1. Students who have their SWL paperwork signed off, will be exempt from their fourth day of classes from next week. I must note that students who are working without having their forms signed off are not covered by insurance (and neither is their employer) so it’s essential for students to submit that paperwork to Fiona Cornwall (VET coordinator). Students also need to complete their safe-at-work certificates (general and industry specific) to be eligible for SWL approval. These must be done prior to attending the workplace. For more information, students should contact their work-related skills teacher.

In previous years, students who have performed well at their SWL have been offered apprenticeships and employment, so the SWL is a vital tool in helping students to become ‘work-ready’. I can’t wait to hear about the success stories of our current VCE VM students.


What is coming up this term in the Senior School? 


Wed 26th - Fri 28th Feb – Year 12 Study Camp

Mon 10th Mar – Labour Day Public Holiday – no classes.

Tues 11th Mar – MSC Athletics Day

Thurs 3rd Apr – Parent Teacher interviews – no classes


Kind regards and I’ll hopefully have some reports on the year 12 camp when I write next week.




Nick Evans

Senior School Assistant Principal

Balcombe leads the way


We are now at the end of week 4 of the term and it's time to see how our Houses are fairing in the new “House Cup”.  Students are awarded House points for all sorts of things they do around the school. As a school we are focusing on improving attendance so students are receiving House points for being at school everyday, with an extra point for being on time.  Below you will find the House totals and as you can see Balcombe House has taken an early lead.  But there are plenty of opportunities for students to earn points. Let's see if the other Houses can make a comeback.

Progress checks and goal setting

Staff are preparing for filling out progress checks for students in the coming week. As part of this process students will be asked to create learning goals for each of their subjects. I would strongly encourage families to have a discussion with their students about these goals and come up with some strategies at home to help your students achieve their goal. 




Mike Parker

Assistant Principal




2025 School Captains

My name is Carter Nicholson, and I am proud to be one of Mornington Secondary College's College Captains for 2025. I am eager to contribute to making our school an even better place for students and the wider community.


Throughout my 13 years of schooling, I have developed a strong passion for leadership, which began in primary school when I was Osborne Primary School Sports Captain. My focus has always been on helping others, both within the College and beyond. I strive to give my best effort in all aspects of life, embracing every challenge and opportunity that comes my way.


Mornington Secondary College has provided me with incredible opportunities over the past five years, and I am deeply grateful for the guidance of my peers and teachers. They have helped me see the potential within myself and have shown me that, with determination and effort, I am capable of achieving my best. This mindset has led me to receive prestigious awards, including the Long Tan Youth Leadership Award in 2023 and The Mornington Medal in 2024.


Looking ahead, my goal is to become a Primary School Physical Education teacher, as I have a strong passion for teaching and inspiring others. Coaching a junior basketball team has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, reinforcing my decision to pursue this career path.


Being a leader since Year 6 has been an incredible journey, and I am excited to take on my final year of schooling alongside the Captains Council, my teachers, and my friends. If I could offer one piece of advice, it would be this, seize every opportunity that comes your way don’t wait for it to find you. Taking action today can prevent regrets in the future.





Carter Nicholson

College Captain



My name is Ethan Barker and I am one of the College Captains at Mornington Secondary College for 2025.


Throughout my life at school I have always been a more academically focused student, however, since joining student leadership at Mornington, I have made an active effort to stay involved wherever I can, whether that be signing up to a school sport each month or attending the extra curricular leadership events; I have grown as a person and become much more confident and self-aware. Through my experiences, I have learned to embrace change and appreciate personal growth, striving to be the best possible version of myself.

Outside of school I enjoy playing sports, specifically basketball and football, which have provided me valuable life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and resilience, which have positively influenced other areas of my life. Additionally, participating in these sports has provided me with social benefits, allowing me to build friendships and a sense of community beyond the classroom.


Throughout my experiences, I have grown a sense of understanding that there are always opportunities waiting for you out there, but they won’t always come to you - you have to seek them out, take initiative, and seize them when they present themselves.





Ethan Barker

College Captain





From my earliest memories, I've been driven by a desire to contribute meaningfully to the world around me. Throughout my school years, I've cultivated a diverse range of interests and skills, embracing opportunities for both personal and academic growth. My passion lies in working with individuals with disabilities, advocating for inclusion, and providing empowering support that enables them to live fulfilling lives.


As Vice-Captain, I strive to lead by example, applying the skills I'm developing through my VCE VM studies to real-world challenges. My commitment to community service is further strengthened by my VET in Community Services, where I'm learning to make a tangible difference in people's lives. Receiving the Unit 1 & 2 Numeracy Award in 2024 has reinforced my belief in the power of analytical thinking and problem-solving.


Shaped by a supportive environment, I'm filled with excitement and anticipation for the opportunities and challenges that await me in the coming year. As one of your Vice-Captains, I'm eager to continue growing, learning, and making a positive impact on our school community.





Larni Thomas

Vice College Captain





Throughout my 6 years of high school, I have always strived to not only excel in my academic pursuits but to lead by example within my school community and outside of school. I have consistently challenged myself to grow, both personally and as a leader, pushing myself to reach higher goals, whether in leadership roles, extracurricular activities, or everyday actions.


My journey at Mornington Secondary College has shaped me into a more confident and capable individual. The support and mentorship I have received from my teachers, friends, and family have been crucial in helping me realize what I could do. Through my experiences, I have learned that persistence and hard work are the keys to overcoming challenges and achieving my goals.


In 2023, I don’t know what it was but something changed. During my systems class I felt more intuitive and focused just walking around my classroom.  This confidence boost  fuelled me to drive outside my comfort zone. Additionally, my involvement in the captain leadership team has allowed me to develop essential leadership and communication skills, shaping me into someone who isn’t afraid to take on new challenges or inspire others to do the same.


Looking ahead, I am excited about the future and the possibilities it holds. My ambition is to pursue a career in the medical or chemical field, where I can continue to develop my skills and contribute to something I am truly passionate about. I’ve learned that seizing every opportunity, no matter how small, helps you grow both personally and professionally. As I reflect on my years at MSC, I am proud of the leader I have become, and I look forward to using the lessons I have learned to continue making a positive impact on those around me.





Luka Djurkovic

Vice College Captain



Year 7 Parent Meet and Greet - student speeches

Hello, I’m Ethan and last year I graduated from Mornington Primary School.


Before I went to high school, I was worried about the variety of subjects and the multiple classrooms, the lockers and especially the short recess and lunch times. But in the first week I had so much fun, I was in a class with friends, I got used to the lockers, we did the house swimming carnival, played sports, and competed in the amazing race so we could find our way around the school.


I have now realized that high school is more than lockers and lunch times it's about all the new opportunities through the things that high school has to offer. Like the subjects, food tech, woodworks and Japanese and all sorts of clubs and squads like swim squad. 


I’m looking forward to the rest of high school here at Mornington Secondary College.





Ethan Neath-Saito

Year 7







My name is Gypsie, and I am here to talk about what year seven has been like so far.

And I am happy to report it is great.


I came from a small school with no one coming to high school with me and I have to say it was hard until I made friends, which is a lot easier than I thought and so far, I pretty much remember everyone’s names and I love it here.


Personally high school is better than primary school. You have heaps more responsibility like remember when you had to take someone to the bathrooms with you, well you don’t here so finally a little privacy!


Now you may be thinking oh no high school! Everything is going to get harder and the truth, it doesn’t. I mean for the first couple weeks it's pretty easy. Yes it does get challenging but it's not much different to primary school. Now I don’t know you all very well, but I can pretty much guarantee you will love it here.


Our school has many things to offer like production. Now some of you may know we are doing Frozen Jnr for our 2025 school production. There are many roles to choose, from lead to backstage hair and makeup. 


Another thing to do is run for leadership. I ran for year seven Captain and achieved the role. The process was a bit scary with all the tall year 12s in the room, but I realized I wanted to be there and that calmed me down. Plus, now I am here right now talking about our school as a year seven Captain.


My favourite subject so far has probably been drama, we play funny games, Ms Jeffs is really nice and overall it’s just fun. You get to mess around and express yourself with creativity and all the things you could never do before.


Thank you





Gypsie Webster

Year 7

Japanese Exchange Program 2025

Mornington Secondary College is very excited to announce that we have been invited to take 15 students on a two-week exchange program to Japan in September this year. 

This program is open to students in Year 8 through to Year 11, who are currently studying Japanese.

Please click on the below link to for more information and to register your interest, and feel free to contact for any queries and further details. 

Thank you 



Mel Brindle 

Head of Language




Year 7 Digital Thumbprint Incursion - Presented by OPTUS

On February 14th, all Year 7 classes participated in an engaging and interactive Cyber-safety presentation led by Dom from OPTUS. The session was designed to equip students with essential knowledge on how to navigate the digital world safely, with a particular focus on responsible use of social media and gaming platforms.



Key Points and Activities Covered:

  • Cyber-safety: Best practices for staying safe online.
  • Device Addiction: Understanding the impact of excessive device use.
  • Cyberbullying: Exploring the three key elements of cyberbullying – Online, Ongoing, and On Purpose.
  • Statistics on Cyberbullying: Insight into the prevalence of online harassment.


Interactive Role Plays and Scenarios:

  • Group Chats Gone Wrong: Understanding the risks in digital group communication.
  • Misinterpreted Text Messages: Learning how easily messages can be misunderstood in the online world.
  • Inappropriate Posts: Recognizing the consequences of sharing harmful content.
  • Police Involvement: Discussing situations where law enforcement may need to be contacted.
  • Getting Help: Exploring available options for support in times of digital distress.
  • Bystanders vs. Upstanders: The importance of standing up for others online.
  • Fake Accounts: Identifying the risks of impersonation and how to handle suspicious profiles.
  • Reporting and Blocking: Best practices for maintaining safety and privacy online.

The session was an invaluable opportunity for students to enhance their understanding of digital responsibility and to develop practical skills for ensuring their safety in an increasingly connected world.


For further resources on this presentation please follow the following link




Ms Romage

Year 7 Team Leader







Mrs Mackenzie

Year 7 Co-ordinator

Year 11 and 12 Art NGV excursion - Yayoi Kusama 

Our students travelled by train to the NGV to explore how artists use materials and techniques to realise their intentions. Themes, concepts and ideas in Yayoi Kusama’s artworks were analysed and interpreted and our Unit 1 Art students discussed how they are expressed using art elements and principles. Our Unit 3 Art students investigated the curatorial aspects for an 'exhibition they have visited this year'.  



Senior Sport 

Senior Girl's Volleyball

On Thursday 13th February the Southern Peninsula Division senior girls’ volleyball championships were held at our school. There were 10 teams involved in the competition across two pools with six teams in the A pool and 4 teams in the B pool. We were represented with a girls’ team in both pools. 


Volleyball has become exceptionally popular with girls in recent years with participation numbers climbing significantly. Our B Team girls were involved in some very close games but unfortunately just missed out. Our A Team girls won their pool and made it into the final against Mt Eliza. The final was very exciting to watch with some great rallies. Mt Eliza managed to pull away in the middle of the game creating a seven-point buffer. Mt Eliza had match point at 24 – 16 when the girls’ won the rally and the right to serve. With the score on 24-17 Shine Schwarz entered the court from the substitution area and took the ball to serve. Shine served a fantastic overhead serve with power and accuracy to claw another point back. The next two serves were equally as impressive and did not come back over the net bringing the score to 24-20. Everyone was getting very excited and starting to wonder if we could create the comeback. The girls from Mt Eliza were starting to get nervous and starting to doubt themselves. The next serve was returned by the Mt Eliza girls, and a great rally was produced with the Mornington girls working exceptionally hard to cover the attacking shots from Mt Eliza before producing their own attack to eventually win the point, taking the score to 24-21. Everyone was nervous now and you could feel the tension in the air. Mt Eliza called a time-out for the coach to settle their team. Breaking from the time-out Shine sent down another cracking serve with Mt Eliza unable to return. This brought the score to 24-22 with the pressure really ramping. The next serve was hit hard right in the middle of the court, but the Mt Eliza girls to their credit were able to control the dig and place the ball under control into the air for their setter to set up their attack. The ball was returned powerfully over the net, but the Mornington girls were able to get their body behind it and played a great defensive dig shot to return the ball back over the net, but unfortunately, the ball sailed just over the base line to be called out by the referee. It was an amazing comeback by our girls which they should be proud of. Both teams lined up at the net to shake each other’s hands. Congratulations to the Mt Eliza girls who were worthy winners of the tournament.


All the girls in the competition played with a great attitude, they were friendly, supportive and displayed a high level of sportsmanship. 



A Team                                                                            B Team                               

Seren Chespy                                                               Summer Lenowry

Alice Hoffman                                                               Sacha Brown

Lucy Ferlazo                                                                  Georgie Evans

Emily Smith                                                                    Ella Clinch

Shine Schwarz                                                              Isabella Sheridan

Amelia Vecchi                                                               Edie Baard

Sophie Van Der Meer                                                 Siena Fernie

Olivia Willis Whitelaw

Indigo Daly



It was great to see our senior school involve themselves in the school sports program across Volleyball, Tennis and Ultimate Frisbee. They had a fantastic day which certainly helps to provide a balance to their studies and create great memories of their time at school.




John Walker

College Sport Coordinator



Students of the Week


Year 7 Isla Tennant


Favourite food: Pasta 


Hobbies out of school: Basketball and hanging out with friends


What sports team do you follow? None really, I’d rather play sport than watch it


Favourite TV show: One Tree Hill (it changes every week)


Do you have any pets? No pets (I’d like a dog)


What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? Sport & the Carnivals


What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? Not sure at all at the moment



Year 7 Gus Wilson


Favourite food: Seafood


Hobbies out of school: Mountain biking and horse riding


What sports team do you follow? Sydney Swans


Favourite TV show: Dune


Do you have any pets? 2 horses Uno and Leroy


What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? Sport and learning new skills in PE


What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? Maybe a farmer or horse trainer  




Year 9 Sylvia Swannie


Favourite food: Fish and chips, barramundi, dim sims


Hobbies out of school: I love to dress up and hang out with friends


What sports team do you follow? Collingwood


Favourite TV show: Schitt's Creek


Do you have any pets? Fox Terriers Gypsy and Gyp


What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? I like my english class currently and seeing my friends


What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? Fashion design or anything in art




Year 12 Charli Holcombe 


My favourite subject: Health!


Hobbies out of school: Netball and sunset walks 


What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? Being able to socialise with friends and people my age every day 


Dream job: Probably doing something in the events industry (hopefully sports industry)



Year 12 Kylah Meade 


My favourite subject: Personal Development


Hobbies out of school: Horse riding 


What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? Seeing my friends 


Dream job: Training police unit dogs 


Current job: Working at a pet shop

Wellbeing Update

The Mornington Peninsula Shire have Term 1 programs for young people to build connections, follow their interests and grow support networks in the community. Please click on the below link to see what's on in your nearest youth hub.


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