School Wide Positive Behaviour Support 

Welcome to the page in the Newsletter where we celebrate student success. 


What are we looking for?

We are looking for students who are demonstrating our school values. These behaviours are all listed in our Naranga School Expectations Matrix. 

The Naranga School Expectations Matrix
The Naranga School Expectations Matrix

^Click the matrix above for a closer look.

*Connor (JTER): for being responsible 

*Jaxon (JMAL): for being safe

*Logan (JMAL): for being responsible

*Alexis (JTER): for being a learner

*Bella (SDUN): for her fantastic effort making toasted sandwiches in the Trade Kitchen. 

*Kai (SDAF): for always keeping his work area neat and tidy.

*Henri (SDAF): for being a great and friendly class member.

*Jason (PMCC): for writing a great letter. 

*Dean (SBIN): for his amazing defending effort in GD position during netball at Friday afternoon school sports. 

*Alice (SDUN): for working on her project in class. 

*Thomas (SDAF): for being accommodating in class to everyone. 

*Sahn (PMCC): for taking care with her work. 

*Maverick (SDAF): for being cheerful and great participant in class. 

*Dylan (SOME): for your amazing effort making the best coleslaw in the Trade Kitchen program. 

*Senior O'Meara: for being kind, friendly and always working together as a team. 

*Ethan, Chloe (SWAL), August, Zac (SDUN), Cyrus, Dylan (SOME): for their amazing dedication to the trade kitchen program making the toasties and potatoes each week.

*Skye, Landyn (SWAL), Zac, August, Bella (SDUN): for writing about the Blimp on Frankston Beach. 

*Skye, Landyn, Sophie (SWAL), Simi, Trystin, Christian (SBIN), Emily, Kai, Henri, Perry, Kane (SDAF): for traveling safely to Dandenong Market. 

Junior School: This week’s friendship cup goes to Michael and Dominic for playing cooperatively with the Beyblades. They took turns and waited patiently when the game didn’t go as planned.

Senior School: This week’s friendship cup goes to Hudson for his great attitude towards his new school.

July Winner

Lucas Y

Naranga School has been part of the Aussie of the Month Program for over 10 years! Want to learn a little bit more about what an 'Aussie of the Month' award mean. Watch the clip below.