Upper Junior Camp

Phillip Island

On the 28th-30th August, Upper Junior students had a marvellous time learning together and challenging themselves with a variety of activities at Phillip Island school camp. The adventure activities included the giant swing, flying fox, archery, rock climbing mini golf and pedal-cart riding. Many students overcame fears and uncertainties to participate in activities they had never tried before. Students who attended the camp last year were able to improve on past achievements. Highlights of the time away were a visit to see the gorgeous fairy penguins and the famous Phillip Island chocolate factory. Camp food was yummy and devoured by our hungry campers. The weather was mostly sunny, everyone had fun and was supportive and encouraging of each other. Well done Naranga students for demonstrating respect, responsibility and remaining safe through-out the three tiring but exciting days. You should be proud of yourselves for your excellent behaviour.