From the Principal

23 May, 2024


The POPS 2023 Annual Report, endorsed by our school council and attested by President Mr Yep and Ms Garrity, highlights our school's outstanding performance. The data shows that we are excelling above the state average and similar schools in all areas, including learning, well-being, and engagement. These achievements reflect the dedication of our staff, the support of our community, and the hard work of our students. Please take the time to read the report and join us in celebrating our successes. The future truly begins at POPS!




The library and wellbeing space are becoming more inviting. We've reorganised bookshelves and introduced cozy furniture like a reading sofa. Additional tables and seats are also en route to enhance the space. Here are some year four students enjoying the evolving space.



This week, we have been excitedly watching the progress of the sensory garden. Every day brings new developments that captivate our attention and fill us with anticipation. The sensory garden, designed to engage all five senses, is becoming a vibrant and dynamic space that promises to offer a unique and immersive experience for all who visit.

MPOWER Friends

Mrs. Debono, our mental health and wellbeing leader, and the year four and six girls kicked off a 6-week program last week, focusing on enhancing social skills. This initiative is part of our Mental Health and Wellbeing program. In today's educational landscape, many girls come to school grappling with peer-related concerns but lack the tools to address them effectively. MPower Friends equips students with the skills to navigate these relationships adeptly and tackle the everyday social hurdles at school with confidence. 



Congratulations to Mrs Moore and her mother on completing the ceramic totem poles they were commissioned to create! Our exceptionally talented art teacher has dedicated over a year to this project. If you're interested in viewing their work, please visit the Ferntreee Gully Community Arts Centre and Library.


Summer C qualified 6th out of 35 competitors for the gymnastics nationals finals, where only the top 12 advance. She then achieved her highest competition score ever, finishing 5th in the finals. Congratulations, Summer, on placing 5th in Australia!

Trin T, Dean T, and Carter H-Y performed Carmina Burana with the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra at the sold-out Melbourne Town Hall. We wish them good luck as they will be performing in an event this Saturday at the Melbourne Recital Centre celebrating 60 years since the National Boys Choir of Australia was first started. 


We are so fortunate to have so many talented people at POPS!


Have a great weekend,

Ms Garrity



Key Dates:

Mon May 27- AOM Assembly/ Cupcake stall/Preloved Uniform Sale

Tues June 4- Division Cross Country

Wed June 5- Yr 3- 6 Camp Information Sessions (online)

Fri June 7- Curriculum Day (No Students)