FWPS Parents Association

Second Hand Uniform Shop - Relocation Sale!
Grab a bargain in the first week of December as the Uniform Shop prepares to relocate! We will open every afternoon in Week 9: after school on Monday 2nd, Tuesday 3rd and Friday 6th December (and during the Prep Playdates on Wednesday and Thursday - 3:40pm to 4:20pm). We’ll be selling all second hand stock at discounted prices.
We are also seeking parent help to run the stall - if you have half an hour to pitch in with sales, please sign up using the following link:
Sign up here: VolunteerSignup - Second-Hand Uniform Shop 2024 signup sheet
With thanks,
Claire & Alicia
On behalf of the Footscray West Primary School Parents Association
Please check out our Facebook Page: FWPSParentsAssociation@outlook.com