Principal's Report
Principal: Brendan Millar
Principal's Report
Principal: Brendan Millar
In this week’s newsletter:
Appreciations to our Parents’ Association
Throughout the week, members of the PA have provided an afterschool second hand uniform stall for our families. A special effort was provided on Wednesday and is planned again today to assist our newest Prep families for next year, with a very visible and well stocked stall being set up under the green shade sail during the two Prep Playdates. New families showed their appreciation for this opportunity.
School Saver Bonus Update
Like our families, our office team is learning more about the SSB as it is rolled out. We now realise that the distribution of emails has taken much longer than was expected. Please read the From the Office Team section in this week’s newsletter for more information about how you can allocate your SSB amount. This is particularly relevant for families currently facing camp payments for Grade 3 and Grade 4 camps in Term 1 that need to be paid for by the end of term.
Through School Transition Information for Families
Next Tuesday, all our Grade 6 students who will move onto government schools next year will be enjoying a transition experience. This is therefore an ideal day for our own Through School Transition day. We combine this with an induction day for new staff. The visits to 2025 classrooms for our current Prep to Grade 5 students will occur from 12.10pm after lunch play. Students will return to their current classrooms briefly before meeting in their cohort groups at a series of outdoor locations across the school. There they will meet the new teaching team and be sorted into their new grade groups. The new classes will then spend the remainder of session 4 and 5 doing some activities together in order to begin building relationships and trust. The session will conclude with an announcement shortly before recess eating time, at which time students will return to their 2024 classes. This is a day when we welcome new students in next year's Grade 1 to Grade 6 classes to attend for this opportunity. During the session all families will have their child’s class communicated by email to Parent A (as listed on our database), so please check the junk mail if you fail to receive this communication to your inbox. Please do your best to make sure this session does not clash with another appointment.
School Lunch Service 2025 Update
Our School Council received two competitive expressions of interest from companies that currently run lunch delivery services in Melbourne schools. An appreciation to members of our School Council who volunteered to form a working group to assess the EOIs. A big thank you to Assistant Principal Liz, who following the first meeting of the working group, responded to questions raised by directly investigating the experience of multiple schools. A clear assessment document was created and during the second meeting of the working group the successful provider was selected. We anticipate that after the contract has been approved we will be able to share the details with our community.
Timely for me to acknowledge that while The Lunch Box did not choose to participate in the EOI process, they have provided a very important service for the students at FWPS for the last 6 years. There have been terrific successes and we have worked through the inevitable challenges together. I personally would like to thank Lindy for the service she has provided, the School Council suppers and the many chats and laughs we have shared. Please note that the final day for the canteen to operate is Friday, 13th of December, the second last week of school.
Prep 2025 Play Dates
Our Prep orientation program concludes after school this afternoon with the final ‘play date’ for the families of children who have been placed in PBD and PAC classes next year.
Environment Team Planting
On Monday all students from the ET (pictured) spent lunchtime replanting at the Bilby side of the entrance to school. We appreciate the support of the Parents’ Association for providing the funding to supply the plants. A big thank you to Michael and Michelle for all the work they have done to support and encourage a sustainable approach at FWPS.
Marrung Team Assembly Presentation
Pictured from last week’s assembly presentation are members of the Marrung Team. We appreciate the passion they have shown and the wonderful support of our Marrung Champion, Tess.
Good Luck Kim!
Our staff team and all in 3KT wished class teacher Kim Tong the very best on her final day of teaching this year on Tuesday. She can finally seek some rest as she prepares for the birth of her first child and no longer has to negotiate the challenge of walking up the Wallaby stairs anymore. We wished Kim and Brandon our very best. Reliable former permanent teaching team member, Jess Russell Davies will see 3KT through until the end of the year.
Assembly Tomorrow
We will plan for an outdoor assembly, however we will keep an eye on the weather with extreme heat or rain vying to be the most likely reason for an indoor assembly. We will feature sports reports from tomorrow morning’s matches and our assembly item will feature the grade 6 camp.
Grade 6 Interschool Sport Vs St John’s at Home Tomorrow
Games will be played tomorrow at FWPS and local grounds during this final home and away round of summer sport. Summer sports activities are subject to Sunsmart rules which require morning rather than afternoon sessions. Parents and carers are welcome to attend to support the teams. Games are due to be played between 9:15 and 11:20am. Look out for our assembly reports and news of what teams will compete next week at Footscray North PS in grand final matches.
Thank you Morning Tea for Volunteers
You may have seen the Compass invitation inviting all our community of volunteers to join staff members on Thursday of next week for a morning tea, held during our lunch time in the gallery space of Dingo. If you assisted for any or many of the following: classroom helpers, camps and excursions, the Parents Association, School Council, Facilities committee, BBQs, working parties, swimming, disco, uniform shop, special persons day stalls and special events, please join us on Thursday, 12 December 2024.
Statewide Orientation Day (Grade 6) and Annual Through School Transition Day - Tuesday, 10 December - please see Appreciations and News.
Salvation Army / FWPS JSC Christmas Appeal
Thank you to everyone who has given generously for our Christmas Appeal this year. Please place any new toys in the box in reception, or non perishable food items directly to the office. The collection for the toy and food donations will cease at 11am on Friday, 13 December.
Whooping cough and Covid Warnings
Unfortunately, we continue to receive feedback from families testing positive for whooping cough. Please see your doctor if a member of your family is experiencing the following symptoms:
Additionally, I have received a Department of Education alert regarding recent COVID spread in metro Melbourne:
Please be vigilant and if in doubt, please keep your child at home until symptoms have abated.
Curriculum and Professional Practice Days in 2025
Last week School Council approved the following student-free curriculum and professional practice days in 2025. We anticipate that TheirCare will provide a full program of care on these dates. You may wish to place them in your diary:
Leaving FWPS in 2025?
If your family is planning to leave for another school next year, we would really appreciate you emailing us at: using the subject line (above) and letting us know your child’s new school so we can process the transfer.