
Junior School
Last week, we have been focused on a lot of throwing, catching and bouncing a ball (both stationary and moving). We have also included Treasure Island, which is a fun inclusive game where students are divided into two teams, and attempt to take the other teams treasure from a 5m square area.
Senior School
This week we have our Life Saving Program for two days , Monday and Wednesday.
The kids had a great two days, with hugely contrasting weather. Monday, the perfect day mid 20 deg C, blue sky and no wind made the beach absolutely stunning, as you can see if the below pictures. Where as Wednesday, very windy, wet and cold with a strong westerly breeze blowing most of the day.
I am so proud of our students for giving all the activities a really good go, despite Wednesday being quite cool, the vast majority of our students participated in all the rotational activities.
Your behaviour, manners and effort were outstanding. Thank you legends :)
Monday pictures
Wednesday pictures
Basketball Scores
Friday morning basketball results:
Naranga 1 scored 35 against Marnabek who scored 22.
Naranga 2 scored 28 against Marnabek who scored 20.
Naranga 3 scored 11 against Officer who scored 22.
Another great day at basketball. Some great teamwork and a great effort from everyone – well done.