School Council

School Council membership 2024
Parent members
- Daniel Bevz
- Rick Bottiiglieri
- Ben Gibson
- Fiona Limoli
- Tom Rundle
- Brian Stanley
- Robert Thorp
- Laura Tripp
Employee members
- Elisha Katsonis
- Jarrod Sutton
School Council Secretary
- Sandra Monaghan
Office Bearers
School Council President
Brian Stanley
School Council Vice President
Robert Thorp
School Council Treasurer
Tom Rundle
School Council Meeting Report 25 November 2024
School Council met on 25th November 2024. The meeting included a review of reports from various committees, a summary of discussions is provided below:
Our November meeting began with Jarrod reporting on behalf of the Junior School Council (JSC). The JSC have been monitoring the little adventure playground and have identified a need to focus on reminding students to keep it clean and to play safely. A roster was put in place for JSC students to sell Remembrance Day items to all classes. The JSC have acknowledged ongoing issues with the toilets. Some of the JSC members are currently filming a video to promote how to look after the toilets and ensure good hygiene is taking place.
The JSC are busy working with Bree to organise the plans for the Colour Fun Run. They wish to remind all students that raising money and donations close on Friday 29th November. Finally, the students have been working with Elisha providing feedback on their thoughts and understandings of the new school values, Collaboration, Respect, Resilience and Creativity. School Council acknowledged the active contributions the JSC have made to the ongoing benefit of the school.
Jarrod’s Principal Report provided an overview of the Capital Works. Delivery of new furniture for the library building should be very soon. Unpacking the containers is taking place. A date and time are being negotiated for the minister’s and other relevant people to attend for a celebration of the completion of works. Ideally early December. This hopefully will include the official opening of all the spaces and provide an opportunity for a look at the library building for the community and students. During the January break there will be some final grounds and building works undertaken including fixing of the roofing of the two heritage buildings, basketball court resurfaced and assessing the trees along the basketball court.
Jarrod thanked school councillors and all sub subcommittee members for their commitment and contributions throughout the year.
The Resources Committee shared their review of the school financial reports for October, noting the Bunnings BBQ success on a very hot day. School Council endorsed the the upcoming Christmas Raffle which will be the final fundraising opportunity for 2024 and is reliant on parent donations for it to be a success. Discussion was held regarding licence agreements for external providers for 2025. Finally, Book Packs and Family Contributions were discussed and finalised for 2025.
The Community and Engagement and Partnerships committee reported that the Foundation transition sessions went well. There was a lot of positive feedback from existing parents about the change of sessions and the information session provided. Discussion was had about the Department Guidelines regarding the gifts of appreciation to staff.
The school is organising a Parent Helpers Moring Tea to to be held on the 12th of December. There was discussion about how the Parent Group can assist with a staff morning tea in the last week of term.
Education Committee reviewed and updated the current Child Safety and Volunteer policies, these were approved at the School Council meeting. Discussion took place about the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP), reviewing targets and actions and the successes and noting areas of continued focus. The Wellbeing Team are continuing to plan how they will work towards introducing, implementing and embedding the new school values throughout the school.
The meeting concluded with the school council members voting to approve the set curriculum days for 2025.
Fiona Limoli
School Councillor
School Council and Sub Committee meetings
Tuesday 10th December
Resources meeting 6:30pm
Monday 16th December
School Council 6:00pm