Education News 

Cyber safety

Students in Years 1 to 6 have been undertaking learning units about Cyber Safety.


The learning focus in Year 1/2 has been about key online safety messages through four eSafety Mighty Heroes and their ‘superpowers’ – Responsibility, Respect, Trusting your Feelings and Investigation.  Students explored the meaning of each of these ‘superpowers’ through animated videos and scenario based discussions.


The learning focus in Years 3 to 6 commenced with identifying ways to be safe online, and included conversations about using age-appropriate sites/games/apps, keeping personal information private, having an awareness of your ‘digital footprint’ and seeking help from a trusted adult.  This has extended in Term 4 to developing a personal online security plan to summarise our learning.


This classroom learning will complement upcoming Cyber Safety sessions with one of Australia’s foremost experts in the area of Cyber Safety, Susan McLean.  Susan recently presented an informative session to our parent community, and will be working with our Year 3 to 6 students this week to further explore ways to be safe online. 


Resources for parents are available on the eSafety website to help you start the chat about online safety issues and strategies with your child and from Susan McLean's website.

Below are some further resources and information from Susan McLean’s website: