Chev Need to Knows 

1 December 2023

Dear Parents and Carers 


I trust you are well as we embrace the first day of the last month of 2023. 


Last night's Carols on the Meadow event was a resounding success. Students enchanted a captivated audience of over 350 people and showcased their musical talents with a delightful selection of Christmas carols, spreading festive cheer and creating a magical atmosphere. The heartfelt performances resonated with joy, leaving everyone in high spirits and contributing to a memorable celebration of the meaning of Christmas, most especially in a Catholic setting. 


Next week will be the last full week of school for 2023. As is always the case here at Chevalier, staff will work with students to ensure they ‘finish well’ by maintaining expectations with regards to attitude, behaviour and uniform until the very last lesson on the very last day.  Staff at the College look forward to doing that.  

Self-Regulation through Flipped Learning Micro-Credential update 

In Week 2 of this term (mid-October) the College launched our ‘Self-Regulation through Flipped Learning’ micro-credential. The micro-credential formally recognises knowledge and skills such as time management, goal setting and self-directed learning. As of the 9.00am deadline today, there were 27 students who have completed the requirements of the ‘Self-Regulation through Flipped Learning' micro-credential. To break this down further: 

  • There are currently 336 students in Years 7 and 8. Of those 336 students, one student achieved the micro-credential. 
  • There are currently 442 students in Years 9, 10 and 11. Of those 442 students, twenty-six students achieved the micro-credential. 

A total of 27 students make up the first group of Chevalier students to achieve the credential. Well done and congratulations to them for attaining improved knowledge and skills such as managing timelines, setting goals and developing their first learner profile of what it means to be a self-regulated learner in a rapidly changing world. There were approximately another 60 students who were close to completing the credential; however, they submitted the final module of evidence and learner profile after the 9.00am deadline. Again, this is part of learning and understanding what is required to be a self-regulated learner.   


Importantly, the students who did not attain the credential have not failed, rather they have simply ‘not yet attained’ the credential.  They will attain it in time. With 97% of students not completing the credential, it could be said that there was a high ‘failure rate’. However, for me, it is more the case that most Chev students have ‘not yet attained’ the credential.  I am more than comfortable with the outcome of the first phase roll out of the micro-credential. I am reminded that this is a rigorous course and thus the credential has meaning and value. The credential needs to be earned and not easily given, knowing that it is absolutely possible for all students to attain the credential over time. 


Looking ahead... 

  • Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 2024 who were successful in attaining the credential qualify for the ‘next step’ to learn from home on some Mondays in 2024. The ‘next step’ is for their parents/carers to attend a workshop where the College explains the process, expectations and responsibilities of staff, students and parents/carers for some Mondays in 2024. After the workshop, parents/carers will then make the final decision as to whether or not their child accesses the option to learn from home on some Mondays in 2024. If your child is in this category, you will have received an email from the College today. 
  • Students in Years 8 and 9 2024 who were successful in attaining the credential are now more confident in the ability to self-regulate and self-direct their learning through teacher-facilitated flipped learning in a way that also assists them to maximise the opportunities of flexible approaches to learning in 2024 and beyond at the College. 
  • Students who were NOT successful in attaining the credential still have the option to complete the micro-credential in 2024 as follows: 
    • Students in Year 12, 2024.  Members of the College Leadership Team spoke with Year 11 2023 and granted a revised deadline for credential completion in recognition of the extensive course requirements and assessment tasks associated with their first term of HSC subjects.  Students in Year 12, 2024 who wish to learn from home from Term 1 2024, must have all modules of the micro-credentialcompleted by 9.00am, Monday 15 January. This will allow for a week of feedback and review with the final submission of evidence due 9.00am Monday 22 January.  Forums for Year 12 2024 parents/carers will be held on Tuesday 30 January and Thursday 1 February 2024, if their child successfully completes the micro-credential by the revised deadline. 
    • Students in Years 10 and 11 in 2024 who have not yet attained the credential will be given the opportunity to attain the credential by mid-March 2024 and thus develop their skills to become a self-regulated learner, regardless of their location of learning. Parents/carers who wish to support their child learning from home on some Mondays, will be invited to attend a workshop in mid-March and consider the option of their child learning from home on some Mondays commencing Term 2, 2024. 
    • Students in Years 8 and 9 in 2024 who have not yet attained the credential will be given direction in Term 1, 2024 as to how to attain the credential and thus develop their skills to become a self-regulated learner.  
    • Students in Year 7 2024 will be introduced to the concept of self-regulated learning on the first few Mondays of the new school year as they transition to secondary school at Chevalier.  

As we reflect on the journey of our 'Self-Regulation through Flipped Learning' micro-credential, it is a moment of celebration and encouragement. I offer my congratulations to the trailblazing students who have achieved this milestone, setting the pace for self-regulated learning at Chevalier College. Their dedication to mastering skills like time management, goal setting and self-directed learning is truly commendable. For students who have not yet attained the credential, I reiterate again very firmly that it is not a 'failure', it is simply 'not yet attained.'  


This micro-credential carries significance, and its value lies in the journey taken to earn it. Parents and carers, your involvement is crucial in supporting the ‘next step’. As we continue this future facing approach to education, let's embrace the idea that success is a journey, and each step forward is an achievement. Here's to a future where every Chev student becomes a confident, self-regulated learner, ready to navigate the ever-changing world with resilience and purpose.  


Kind regards 


Greg Miller 


Duke of Edinburgh - Information session for parents

YouthAdvance is a Duke of Ed Open Award Centre, and have partnered with Chevalier to help deliver the Award to students in Years 9-12. YouthAdvance recently held a student information session at the College, and will soon be holding two Online Award Information Sessions, which are more aimed more at Parents. During the sessions they will provide details about the Award, what’s involved, costs and how to register, so students and parents have a full understanding of this fabulous program before signing up.

  • Monday 4 December 2023 or Monday 15 January 2024
  • 6.00 pm
  • ZOOM LINK: meeting ID: 211 678 1063   Passcode: 959577

Coach Phillips

Extra Curriculum Administrator


Advent Mass

On Wednesday 6 December we will be holding our Advent Mass at 9.00am in the McGrath Hall. Please note that the Main Office will be closed between 9.00am and 10.30am.


If you wish to attend Mass, please let us know via email by Monday 4 December for seating purposes.

Chevalier Past Students Committee Raffle

There are some fantastic prizes on offer in the Chevalier Past Students Raffle! This year the CPS have supported the College by sponsoring Winterfest, and also the Cattle Show Team. Tickets are available to purchase via the link below:


CPS Raffle Tickets

Book returns

A list of all books and resources due to be returned by that last day of school has been sent to students. All books and resources must be returned by 3:30pm Friday 8 December. It is the student’s responsibility to locate and return all books.


Please note: books that have been previously charged in 2023 appear on the list. If these books are returned in good condition by 8/12/23 they will receive a credit.


Students should see library staff if they have any issues or concerns.

Chicken Pox

Please be advised that a student at the school has been diagnosed with Chicken Pox. Click here to view the NSW Health Chickenpox Fact Sheet.


If you have a child in Year 7 – 11 who will be leaving the College at the end of this academic year, please send a notification email to

  • Year 11 Construction Incursion – 4 December
  • Advent Mass – 6 December
  • Celebration of Excellence – 6 December
  • Last day of Term – 8 December

Chev Need to Knows Archive

24 November 2023

17 November 2023

10 November 2023

3 November 2023

27 October 2023

20 October 2023

13 October 2023

6 October 2023