As the last bell for 2023 rings - 

a year in reflection

Ms Vivienne McElwee, Head of 7-9 Campus

As we approach the culmination of yet another incredible academic year, it's an opportune moment to reflect on the journey travelled in 2023. The whole year has been another testament to the resilience, dedication and unwavering spirit that defines our school community. As we bid farewell to another school year, it is essential to celebrate the achievements, the growth and the countless moments that have filled our corridors and playgrounds. As we eagerly look forward to the summer break,  let's carry the lessons learned, the friendships made, and the achievements earned with us into the bright possibilities of the future.

This year has been an incredible journey filled with diverse experiences that have defined our school's success. We began with an adventurous Year 7 camp providing opportunities for growth, teamwork, new friendships and unforgettable memories. This experience also provides our newest cohort with the opportunity to acclimatise themselves with the expectations of secondary school, setting the stage for ongoing growth, comraderie and academic achievement. Year 7 have also had valuable sessions in our Step-up Program, including organisational skills, social stencil, growth mindset, study habits & planners and other important wellbeing sessions. 

Amidst academic challenges like exams and NAPLAN, our students showcased their resilience and dedication.

The pinnacle of our creative prowess was witnessed in the spectacular college production of 'We Will Rock You,' a testament to the talent and hard work of our students and staff. The school's artistic flair continued to flourish through mesmerizing music and dance showcases, as well as captivating soirees that celebrated the depth of talent within our community.

Moreover, the halls were adorned with the brilliance of visual arts exhibitions, showcasing the creativity and ingenuity of our budding artists.

This year has been an outstanding showcase of athletic prowess and team spirit as our school's sports teams achieved remarkable success across various disciplines. From the hard court triumphs of basketball, netball, football, futsal, soccer, tennis, and volleyball to the precision and skill displayed in hockey, table tennis, and lawn bowls, our athletes consistently raised the bar.

The dedication, discipline, and passion of our teams were exemplified in their victories and sportsmanship throughout the season. However, the crowning glory undoubtedly belonged to our State Champion Lacrosse team, whose unwavering determination and skill secured a prestigious title, marking an unforgettable highlight of our school's sporting achievements this year.

Our athletes' achievements have not only brought home trophies but also exemplified the values of teamwork, resilience, and commitment. This year's success on the field is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our student-athletes and coaches, showcasing the strength and competitive spirit of our school's sports program.


This year has witnessed an exceptional display of leadership and empowerment through our Student Leadership and Representative Council (SRC). The dedicated members of this group have not only led with enthusiasm but have also raised funds for various causes, showcasing their commitment to making a positive impact within our community.

Their role in representing their cohort with pride has been commendable, reflecting the values and spirit of our school. Moreover, the SRC has been instrumental in initiating discussions and providing a vital voice to the principal team on crucial issues such as uniform policies, jewelry regulations, and bathroom facilities.

Their advocacy and constructive approach towards addressing these matters have contributed significantly to fostering an inclusive and supportive school environment. This year's SRC has exemplified the importance of student involvement and demonstrated how collaborative efforts can drive positive change within our school community.

As we approach the end of the year, we must congratulate our amazing Robotics Team for their outstanding success in winning the Regional Championships. Their incredible enthusiasm, plus support from teacher Ingrid Scharer and IT guru Jack Minihan has been a driving force behind their success. 


Throughout this immensely successful year, our academies have continued to foster and develop our dancers, athletes and aspiring visual artists. Each Academy has flourished, providing unparalleled opportunities for growth and enrichment. This has included master classes, guest teachers and professionals that have enriched the skills and artistry of our students, allowing them to explore new techniques, develop skills and refine their talents.

Our year 9 cohort bid a bittersweet farewell to the familiarity of the Bluff Road campus, poised to embark on the final three years of their secondary education at Senior campus. Their departure was commemorated with a year 9 camp in Marysville, followed by a celebration assembly on their return, filled with shared memories (and a few giggles from looking at their year 7 photos) and sharing the academic excellence and endeavours of these students. Well done to Campus Captains Pip Asome and Thomas Winterburn for a heartfelt speech on the journey through Bluff Road, representing their peers. The morning finished with a very popular visit from an icecream van, popular with not just the students! 

To finish the year, we feel both excited and grateful for our new High Performance Centre and Community Sport Centre at Holloway Road. This State Of The Art facility stands as a beacon of opportunity, set to revolutioise the way our students engage with sport and the arts. 


Thank you all for being an integral part of our school's success story. Here's to celebrating the year's end with joy, positivity, and a profound sense of accomplishment.

I would like to wish all families at our College a very happy and safe festive season and look forward to seeing you in 2024.


Vivienne McElwee

Campus Principal