Holloway at 75 years

Celebrating school history

How time flies!


Many generations of students and teachers have passed through the Holloway Campus since it officially opened on the 1st of February 1949 as the Sandringham Technical School.  As we can see in the photos, there are two brand-new school buildings rising out of the grass and heath on land that was once destined to become a housing estate.


In 2024, the Holloway Campus will turn seventy-five years of age.  The original brick building is still with us, and it has been joined by many other buildings on the site as the school has expanded.  There are many stories about the school site – the repurposing of the land, the establishment of the original technical school, the building of a girls’ school, growth in student numbers, refurbishment of original buildings – the list goes on.  In 2024, each newsletter will include an article relating to the history of the Holloway Campus, and alongside other events and activities, the seventy-fifth birthday of the campus will be acknowledged.

Source: Public Records Office Victoria
Source: Public Records Office Victoria


If the school community has any other stories or photos to contribute, or donate (especially Sandringham Technical School yearbooks), please do not hesitate to get in contact with Jeremy de Korte (Teacher-Librarian/School Archives).


The photos for this article were sourced from the Sandringham College Archives and the Public Records Office Victoria.