Vocational Major

Maria Curphey - Domain Leader 

HeadStart - What we did!


In Year 11 students began with some project work with Sandringham East Primary School. The class worked with the Year 2 and Foundation students assisting with their PE Class. Students studied the ability of the children in terms of their fine and gross motor skills. 


In week 2 of Headstart they developed and ran scheduled activities of their own for the primary school groups. This activity encompasses elements of the Personal Development Curriculum as well as Numeracy and Literacy. 


Thank you to Bailey Carpenter, from last year's cohort, who came in to help supervise students and to give valuable support and advice.


In Year 12 the focus was on gaining accredited short courses to help the students with entry into the workforce outside of school and to develop their portfolio of skills for after Year 12.


Students completed:

  • The Food Handling Course 
  • Responsible Serving of Alcohol
  • First Aid 
  • Customer Service Support Short Course.