
Dear Parents/Carers,
I have put together a list of numbers that you can access if you ever need any extra support. Regards Jenny.
Some useful contact information If you need support -
Emergency- 000
Life Line (24hrs)- 13 11 14
Frankston Community Support -9783 7284
Peninsula Mental Health Triage -1300 792 977
Headspace -1800 650 890
Wellways- 1300 111 500 - offers a wide range of individually tailored services designed to support people affected by mental health issues or disability, as well as their families, friends and carers.
Beyond Blue -1800 224 636
Qlife (LGTBTIQA+ support) -1800 1845 527
Direct line (alcohol & drug counselling)- 1800 888 236
Kids Helpline -1800 55 1800
Parents Helpline-13 22 89
Orange Door Frankston -1800 319 353
Nurse On Call -1300 606 024
Domestic and family violence Support- 1800 737 732 (1800RESPECT)
Victorian Poisons Information Centre- 13 11 26
Dear Parents/Carers,
I have put together a list of numbers that you can access if you ever need any extra support. Regards Jenny.
Some useful contact information If you need support -
Emergency- 000
Life Line (24hrs)- 13 11 14
Frankston Community Support -9783 7284
Peninsula Mental Health Triage -1300 792 977
Headspace -1800 650 890
Wellways- 1300 111 500 - offers a wide range of individually tailored services designed to support people affected by mental health issues or disability, as well as their families, friends and carers.
Beyond Blue -1800 224 636
Qlife (LGTBTIQA+ support) -1800 1845 527
Direct line (alcohol & drug counselling)- 1800 888 236
Kids Helpline -1800 55 1800
Parents Helpline-13 22 89
Orange Door Frankston -1800 319 353
Nurse On Call -1300 606 024
Domestic and family violence Support- 1800 737 732 (1800RESPECT)
Victorian Poisons Information Centre- 13 11 26
NDIS News-
Please see below information sessions that may be of interest to you, parents/carers and students.
Preparing a pathway to employment (for students with a disability in year 9-12, families, carers and educational professionals)
The NDIA is running webinars about building skills and paving a pathway to post school life. They will discuss NDIS-funded supports and assistance available to help young people build skills to prepare for their transition. The webinars will cover:
• NDIS supports available to help you achieve your education and employment goals.• Preparing for your planning meeting.• Finding a suitable provider.• Case studies and scenarios.
- 20 August - Preparing for Pathways to Employment Post School | NDIS
- 21 August - Preparing for Pathways to Employment Post School | NDIS
- 22 August - Preparing for Pathways to Employment Post School | NDIS
- 22 October - Preparing for Pathways to Employment Post School | NDIS
- 23 October - Preparing for Pathways to Employment Post School | NDIS
- 24 October - Preparing for Pathways to Employment Post School | NDIS
Using your NDIS plan for families/carers and nominees who want to learn more about their NDIS Plan.
Learn how to:
- use your funding
- arrange supports and services
- use the NDIS my place portal
- work towards goals
- navigate the review process.
- 13 August- Online Using your NDIS plan workshop | NDIS
- 27 August - Online Using your NDIS plan workshop | NDIS
Jenny Camm