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What’s been happening in Year 3/4

Wow, we are already over halfway through the term and what a busy start to the year we have had! Here is a little update about what has been happening in our classroom.


In English we have been focusing on narratives with a focus on the novel Fantastic Mr Fox. We looked closely at the structure of a narrative and ways we can make our writing more interesting and engaging. Our last task was to write a sequel to Fantastic Mr Fox where we applied everything we have been learning about narratives.


In the Creative Arts we have been learning about the artists Piet Mondrian and Wassily Kandinsky. These artists have been studied carefully looking at their unique styles, art elements and styles of art. We have been inspired by these artists to create our Walcha Show Art, our Let’s Hang It Artwork and other artworks.


In Maths we have been learning about Place Value and the importance of understanding the value of each digit within a number. As well as counting forwards and backwards from any given number by tens, hundreds and thousands. This practice will assist us when we get to our additive unit later this term.


In Sport we have started a unit around Target Games where we are focusing on the game of Lawn Balls. In this unit we will develop skills and techniques, learn about and practice aim and accuracy to propel an object towards a target from a range of distances.


We have just finished a unit of Science and Technology where we learnt about Agriculture and the process that occurs in the food and fibre production. Our design element was to create and solve a given scenario for the school garden. The year 3’s focused on designing a more efficient and effective water irrigation system to support the growth of plants. The year 4’s focused on designing a cover to protect the growth of plants from bugs. This involved researching ideas and materials, brainstorming and sketching ideas, planning and measuring and looking up materials and costs.