Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

In this Week's Newsletter

  • This Week...You may have noticed the Building master planning survey that was posted on Compass yesterday.  It is accessible at and will close on 17th December.
  • Appreciations…
    • Concert week success
  • Reminders
    •  Parent and carers Appreciation Morning Tea
  • News
    • Curriculum/Pupil Free Dates for 2024
    • (All) confirmed camp dates for 2024
    • Little Learners Professional Learning
    • The latest class videos
    • Goodbye to William and Felix Borrie
  • Coming up...tomorrow 
    • Grand final of grade 6 Summer sport - Boys’ basketball
  • Coming week
    • Graduation on Monday
    • Through School Transition on Tuesday
    • Captains party on Wednesday
    • Grade 6 Picnic in the Park on Thursday
    • Movement of furniture on Thursday
    • Parent/Carer Appreciation Morning tea on Friday
  • Coming future weeks
    • Grade parties
    • School concludes at 1.20 pm on Wednesday, 20th December
  • Repeated (and updated) messages


Concert Week - This week we have been delighted with the smooth and successful running of our music and dance concerts that were held for all grades Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  It was gratifying to see the large number of parents and carers who attended each of the mini concerts over this period, many across multiple concerts.  The children across the cohorts were outstanding.  Kids are tired, everybody is tired, but the magic of performance provides a spark that may only be found at such a moment.  For some students performing comes naturally, for others it is a challenge.  Many students embraced that challenge this week and their joy in performing with their peers was written on their faces.


There are a number of people I would like to thank of course.  The biggest appreciation is directed to our music teacher Jane McCracken. The evidence of the amazing work she does was on the stage in front of us, performance after performance.  In her year with us she has built lovely relationships and it shows.  We are delighted that Jane has committed to remain with us for the long term.   We also acknowledge the assistance provided by Soundgarage manager, Maddie Owen. It really is well beyond her brief to be on deck throughout the week but working together with Jane they form such an inspirational pair.  We are also very appreciative of the work and commitment of our Performing Arts teacher, Jess Russell Davies.  As our music staffing resources did not extend to providing music for all grade levels throughout the year, we made the decision to provide a social program to the grade ones in semester 2.  This provided our Preps with the chance to join the music program in this period.  We knew it wouldn't be right to have our grade ones miss the opportunity to perform, so Jess focussed on preparing the grade one classes with a dance opportunity, one the children really enjoyed and provided their personal best.


On Wednesday night Gary’s Soundgarage students performed some very energetic and joyful sets.  At the evening  Soundgarage performances the children have the opportunity to present in smaller groups and many dress the part.  There was a whole lotta rock’n go’n’ on! Tonight Henry and Dean’s and SAP performers will be performing tonight at 7.00 and 8.00 pm.


Parent and Carer’s Appreciation morning tea - We are inviting all parents and carers who have assisted in our programs this year to join us in the gallery space in Dingo on Friday of next week, 15th December for an appreciation morning tea from 11.30 am.  This is our opportunity to thank you for what you have done to support the children and staff across a variety of experiences this year.  So, if you have assisted by being a helper in classrooms or specialists, helped on camps, excursions or swimming, been a member of Parents’ Association or School Council, or made another contribution to the schools’ program, we would love to see you in attendance, if you can possibly make it.  Our morning tea will be held in the gallery space in Dingo at 11.30 am on Friday, 15th December.


After the final School Council meeting last week there were a couple of additional aspects to follow up; namely all Pupil Free days for next year and confirmation of our grade 3 Zoo Snooze dates for 2024.  


They are now confirmed and approved by Council and are listed below:


Curriculum / Pupil Free Dates for 2024: 

  • Monday 29th January – For mandated staff day (all students start on Tuesday, 30th January).
  • Monday 12th February – For Berry Street Education Model training (Day 1)
  • Monday 13th May - Common Professional Practice Day
  • Thursday 6th June – For Berry Street Education Model training (Day 2) 

This is the Thursday prior to the King’s Birthday Public Holiday.  Unfortunately, we were unable to book training on the Friday.

  • Monday 4th November – For mandated report writing (the day prior to Melbourne Cup Day)

Their Care will offer full day care programs for the pupil free days.   


Camp dates for 2024 - All but the grade 3 Zoo Snooze camps were booked and this information was communicated earlier this year.  After a very successful grade 3 and 4 experience with the Zoo Snooze program this year, we were very determined to book the program for the grade 3s for our annual camp program.  Unfortunately, the dates for booking did not become available until last week.  As a first time participant this year, we were next in line behind schools with a longer history of involvement.  The best available dates for us were early in the year.  Consequently, with School Council approval, we secured the dates listed below.  We know the time from a payment point of view is challenging for parents (and us), however a program early in the year, rather than in the middle of winter was preferable.  A compass event to current grade 2 families was posted on Compass last evening.  We urge all families to consider the program as a priority.


FWPS Camp Dates 2024

LevelLocationDate and Term
Grade 3Zoo Snooze

Feb 20, 21, 26, 27 / Term 1 

(1 camp date per class)

Grade 4Campaspe DownsThurs 14th to Fri 15th March / Term 1
Grade 5KangaroobieWed. 23rd to Fri 25th October / Term 4
Grade 6Ballarat Log CabinMon. 25th to Wed 27th November / Term 4

Student Videos


2023 CERES ET Excursion 


Goodbye - we are sad to be saying goodbye to William (4JD) and Felix (4AF) as they start their new adventure at Kyneton PS. Thank you for being part of the FWPS community. Your cheerful personalities will be missed. We wish you both the very best!

Coming up Next Week

Through School Transition Day - will be held next Tuesday, 12th December, the same day as the year 6 to 7 statewide transition day for students attending government secondary colleges. All students in grades from grades P to 5 will meet their 2024 grade peers and teacher and visit their new rooms on our Through School Transition Day.  Following lunch on the day all students will have a letter marked on their hand and then join all members of the cohort.  They will be introduced to the new teaching team, including any new teachers to our school who may be joining with us on the day.  They will engage in some ‘get to know you’ activities during sessions 4 and 5 and then return to their current grades and rooms towards the conclusion of the session.  Where new students are available, we also find this an ideal opportunity for them to meet their new peers.  As I am sure our parents and carers know, there is an extraordinary amount of consideration applied to the creation of new classes and the time for input is well past.  All families will receive communication on the day as to what grade and teacher their children will be placed with.

Change of Specialist Timetable - There will be yet another change of timetable next week as we move into the final fortnight of our school year.


Grade 6 Graduation - Monday evening is Graduation - our night of nights.  We are looking forward to returning to Quin Auditorium at Caroline Chisholm.  It is a spacious and well appointed venue and we won’t need to set and pack up hundreds of seats!  All grade 6 families receive 3 seats for family members gratis, and they have been busily purchasing additional seats at $10 per person (sales via the event posted to grade 6 families).  Last week about a half of our grade 6 families had responded and that had reduced to a handful by close of sales on Monday. 


At Graduation we feature speeches, presentations, award winners and show our appreciation to all who have supported the students, as well as reflect on seven years of primary education.  We appreciate the return of former staff and on this occasion, local Member for Footscray, Ms Katie Hall.  


FWPS Through School Transition Day / Government schools year 6 to 7 Transition Day - will be held on the next day, Tuesday 12th December.  For students in our current grade Prep to 5 this is a very important day to be in attendance.  We hold it on the same day as the year 6 to 7 transition day for government secondary schools, in order to maximise our staffing resources and physical spaces.  Our TST program will take place in sessions 4 and 5 (after lunch) when students (grades P-5) will meet in their new grades and class locations and spend the session interacting with their new teachers and classmates.  On that day we make an investment in all new teaching staff joining us for a full day of induction.  New students are also welcomed and are provided the same opportunity as current students to spend time with their new classmates and teachers.  Parents and carers will be informed of their child’s teacher and class location in an email before the end of the school day.  More information will be provided in next week’s newsletter and the students will be fully informed and supported during this process.


Grade 6 Captains Party - Throughout the year I have met weekly with our senior student representatives, along with Lauren Crump and following her going on leave, Marshal Claybourne.  The students have been diligent and creative in meeting in their recess or lunchtimes weekly with only a few occasions that individuals have needed to be reminded.  We had our final meeting today with a focus on their input to the Graduation event on Monday.  When we next meet on Wednesday of next week, it will be for us to show our appreciation as we host a lunchtime party to celebrate a successful year.


Grade 6 Picnic (Pizza) at the Park - On Thursday of next week the Grade 6s will be bussed to Hansen Reserve for Picnic at the Park, an opportunity to celebrate their time at FWPS together. We are fortunate that Sonia and Remi, who run Happy Camper Pizza, and are the parents of grade 6 cohort members, Lucas and Morgan, have generously offered to provide pizza to all the Grade 6 students and staff on the day. Happy Camper Pizza will cater to all students’ dietary requirements. Students will also be able to bring other snacks/drink (caffeine free) to share with their friends.  The event was forwarded to all grade 6 parents prior to Sonia and Remi’s outstanding offer, so no family will need to pack a picnic (unless they really want to).  This is an incredibly generous offer from the Pham family at the conclusion of their time as members of our community.


Movement of Furniture and Staff Resources - Also on Thursday, 14th December contractors will be onsite to move class furniture where required and staff and class resources in preparation for the 2024 school year.  During this process all movement is managed and supervised by Rick, our OH&S consultant who works with us every Thursday.


Student Reports - will be posted via Compass to parents and carers on Friday, 15th December.


The Canteen’s Final Service... for this year will also be on Friday, 15th December.

Coming the final week of Term

The final week of term will be from Monday to Wednesday 18th, 19th and 20th December.  


Class Parties for Grades Prep to 5… will be held on Tuesday, 19th December, the second last day of the school year.  We anticipate that the Grade 5 cohort will hold a picnic and games morning at Johnson Reserve.  All other grade levels will have their parties at school, preferably in our grounds and gardens. Each of the teaching teams will communicate specifics closer to the event. 


We will hold a final assembly (outdoors if weather permits) from 12.40 pm on Wednesday, 20th December.  School will be dismissed for the January holidays at 1.20 pm.  Their Care will run their program from this earlier time on this day.  Please ensure you have made arrangements to collect your child at this earlier time.








Building Project and Master Planning


All members of our school community will be aware that there is a very significant building project being planned for FWPS.


It is a comprehensive process and the long lead time will continue for much (if not all) of 2024, prior to the works actually occurring onsite.


In the meantime, we are working closely with Kennedy Nolan Architects on a school buildings and grounds master plan, a necessary and sensible pre-condition, prior to the development stage.  


Prior to the end of the school year, our students, staff members and parent and carers have been asked to provide their considerations via a survey (yes another one!) The survey is open now and will close on 17th December.  It can be accessed at:


Warm regards,


Brendan, Liz and Carolyn

FWPS Principal Team

Repeated (and updated) messages…